The Department of English Language Teaching (DELT)was established in January 2020 in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. Establishing DELT was a major initiative to enhance the English Language skills of both undergraduate and postgraduate students of The Open University of Sri Lanka (OUSL) and to cater to the English language requirements of a wider population in the country.

We as a department focus on planning, developing and delivering innovative English Language programs and conducting research in the fields of teaching English for academic purposes and English as a second language. Currently, the department offers English for Academic Purposes (EAP) programs as support courses to all the undergraduates who register for degree programs in OUSL and one postgraduate program – Master of Arts in Teacher Education –(MATE International). Many new language programs are being planned and developed to be offered in the near future.

Study Programmes

Academic Staff

Lecturer (On study leave)

Lecturer (on Contract)

Lecturer (on Contract)

Academic Coordinator / Visiting Lecturer

Academic Coordinator

Academic Coordinator (On Contract)