Learner Support

Introduction to Learner Support Cell

Learner Support Cell are the most vital component of any open and distance learning (ODL) Institute. It includes wide range of academic and other related activities. The support services should not only be responsive to the needs of the distance learners but should also be accessible. Monitoring of the support services has to be a continuous and ongoing exercise, which could bring constant improvement through innovations in the support services.

Learner support is a mechanism to help the learner to learn. In conventional system, classroom transactions, peer team interactions and library facility are components of learning. In ODL system, multimedia, print, audio, video, radio, TV, teleconferencing and videoconferencing – instructional package, face-to-face counselling, continuous assessment, and hands-on-experience constitute learner support.

Objectives of the Learner Support Cell

To enhance the cognitive, organizational, and emotional skills of learners to achieve their academic goals within an ODL setting, while ensuring the achievement of stipulated programme learning outcomes.

♦  Identify, design, implement, and improve strategies to support learners to enhance the cognitive, organizational, and emotional aspects needed to succeed in an ODL setting.

♦  Develop and recommend strategies to support the learners to quickly adapt to the ODL mode and to acquire the necessary skills needed to perform well, based on the varied needs of the learners.

♦  Encourage and facilitate other entities within the university to initiate programmes related to learner support.

♦  Liaise with the different entities of the University and other stakeholders to facilitate LSU initiatives.


Department Consultation hours Consultation Time
Information Studies Unit Wednesday 9.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m.
Department of Language Studies Monday, Wednesday and Friday 10.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m.
Department of Legal Studies Tuesday and Thursday 10.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m.
Department of English Language Teaching (DELT) Tuesday and Thursday 10.00 a.m. to 3.00 p.m.
Department of Social Studies Students can meet the relevant module leader/ lecturer by making an appointment via email or telephone.
S.M.A.K. Samarakoon S.M.A.K. Samarakoon Chairperson / Learner Support Cell
Email: smasa@ou.ac.lk
N. Menike N. Menike Senior Lecturer / Language Studies
Email: hmmen@ou.ac.lk
S. Janaha S. Janaha Senior Lecturer / Legal Studies
Email: sjsjanah@gmail.com
Bagya Pabasarani Bagya Pabasarani Senior Lecturer / DELT
Email: lwpab@gmail.com
H.A.M.D.Dias H.A.M.D.Dias Project Assistant / LSC
+94 011 2881377
Email: hadia@ou.ac.lk
Anton Piyarathne Anton Piyarathne Dean, HSS
+940112881218, +940112881001, +940707500255
Email: deanhss@ou.ac.lk
(For any unsorted grievance contact the Dean of the Faculty)
E. P. I. Premaratne E. P. I. Premaratne AR / HSS
+940112881232, +940112881377
Email: arhss@ou.ac.lk