Title 01- Prediction of the decaying Factor VIII levels in post factor VIII
replacement therapy using Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time Test in
Hemophilia A patients undergoing treatment at The National Hospital of Sri
Authors- Zoysa KKP, Geethal BHH, Kottahachchi DU
Conference- IRC OUSL
Title 02- Prediction of the maximum time that could maintain the efficiency of
Factor VIII replacement therapy using Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time
Test in Hemophilia A patients undergoing treatment at the National Hospital of
Sri Lanka
Authors- Zoysa KKP, Geethal BHH, Kottahachchi DU
Conference- IRC University of Jaffna
Title 03- Prediction of the timely decaying efficiency of Factor VIII replacement
therapy using Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (aPTT) test in Hemophilia
A patients undergoing treatment at National Hospital of Sri Lanka
Authors- Zoysa KKP, Geethal BHH, Kottahachchi DU
Conference- Undergraduate Research Symposium FAHS KDU – 2024