Research Committee

Welcome to the Faculty Research Committee, Faculty of Health Sciences

The Faculty Research Committee is a sub-committee of the Faculty Board of the Faculty of Health Sciences, The Open University of Sri Lanka which is responsible for all the matters pertaining to research at the faculty. It supports the evaluation process of applications submitted for the Faculty Research Grant, reviews and recommends research allowance applications for academics, reviews progress and final reports and other research communications related to research grants together with conducting final presentations of research grants. It also conducts annual review meetings of the Postgraduate students and forwards the recommendations of the progress evaluated by the experts panel, to the Higher Degree Research Committee which is the topmost body for research at the Open University of Sri Lanka.

The Faculty Research Committee regularly meets and updates the matters to the Faculty Board. The Chairperson of the Faculty Research Committee, who represents the Faculty of Health Sciences at the Higher Degree Research Committee, communicates with the representatives from all the departments of the Faculty of Health Sciences for the successful implementation of research related activities at the faculty. Further, the Faculty Research Committee is in the process of initiating several other activities to enhance the research culture in the faculty. In time to come, the faculty research committee would promote the faculty staff to open a new venture to move forward for contributing to research and development of the Faculty, University and Country.

Faculty Research Committee
Faculty of Health Sciences
The Open University of Sri Lanka
PO Box 21
Nawala, Nugegoda
Sri Lanka

Prof. Kalaivani Vivehananthan

Research Publications of Academic Staff Faculty of Health Sciences