The OUSL is the most outreached academic institution in Sri Lanka with 6 regional centres, 19 study centres and 6 teaching centres distributed throughout the island. The OUSL consists of four academic faculties namely, Engineering Technology, Natural Sciences, Education and Humanities and Social Sciences. Also OUSL consists of divisions such as, Centre for Educational Technology and Media (CETMe), Staff Development Centre (SDC), Career Guidance Unit, Information Technology Division (IT) and printing press. These faculties and divisions consist of well qualified academics, technical and other staff members and physical resources such as modern state of the art laboratory, sophisticated equipment, studio and recording facilities, modern printing machinery, etc.

The Consultancy and External Resourses Centre (CERC) is a division established by the Open University of Sri Lanka (OUSL) in order to facilitate and enhance the collaboration between the University and the Sri Lankan community. Also through CERC the university can utilize its human and physical resources, when available, to the betterment of the country. The CERC is managed by a Board of Management comprising the Vice-Chancellor who is the chairman of the board, director and nominated member of both academic and administrative staff.

The CERC undertakes assignments such as research programmes, consultancy services, extension courses, training and continuing professional development courses. The academics of respective academic departments and divisions could undertake such assignments without prejudice to the primary commitments to the OUSL. Some of the CERC assignments are developed by the academic department after analyzing the current trends and needs of the society. Also there are many assignments which are tailor made to suit the requirement of the client who is an external institution. A CERC project can commence, once the approval has been granted by the chairman of CERC. The OUSL will offer the required physical and human resources to conduct and complete the assignment successfully.

In the year 2013 CERC has given approval to conduct 220 assignments and 75 assignments have been successfully completed.

The CERC always welcomes Sri Lankan Community, especially public sector and private sector institutions, government authorities, fellow academic institutions, etc., to utilize the extensive human and physical resources of the OUSL to achieve their goals, and at the same time CERC extends its fullest support and encourage active participation of OUSL staff in CERC assignments.