OUSL Art Circle

The Constitution of the
“OUSL Art Circle” of
The Open University of Sri Lanka

Name :  The name of the Society shall be “OUSL Art Circle”.


The objectives of the “OUSL Art Circle” are to

  • Enrich arts and cultural practices among all members in the OUSL community
  • Enhance interactions between staff and students through arts and culture
  • Uplift aesthetic skills of members through arts and culture
  • Provide opportunities for demonstration of artistic skills through a multi-faceted platform.
  • Nurture continuous learning on arts and culture
  • Persuade cross-cultural understanding and appreciate pluralistic values
  • Enhance peace, harmony and humanity among the members of OUSL community


  1. Membership of the “OUSL Art Circle” shall be open to all students and staff of the Open University of Sri Lanka (OUSL)
  2. The Executive Committee of the “OUSL Art Circle” shall at its sole discretion, grant, refuse or cancel a membership under justifiable circumstances.
  3. Applications for Membership shall be submitted along with the membership fee.
  4. Other than life members, all members of the “OUSL Art Circle” shall pay a membership fee annually to continue membership by the end of January each year.
  5. All provisions of the Constitution shall apply equally to all members.
  6. Memberships fee shall be as follows:
    a. Annual Membership fee for any member shall be Rs. 100/=
    b. Life membership fee for a member shall be Rs. 1500/=

Special Note:
• Life membership shall be granted only for permanent staff members of the OUSL.
• New members shall pay their annual dues in full at the time of application for membership.
• An annual membership holder who is in arrears for more than one year shall cease to hold membership.
• The Executive Committee shall be responsible for compiling and maintaining the Membership List.

Executive Committee
a. All matters of the “OUSL Art Circle” shall be managed by the Executive Committee.

The Committee shall consist of

President (01)
Vice President (01)
Joint Secretaries (02)
Treasurer (01)
Editor (01)
Assistant Treasurer (01)
Committee Members (08)
Regional Vice-Presidents of Regional Art Circles (up to 08)

b. President, Treasurer and one of the Joint Secretaries shall be from the permanent staff members of the OUSL, at least 03 office bearers shall be from students.

c. At least 02 Committee member positions in the executive committee shall be allocated for student members.

d. In order to be eligible for the office, a candidate must be a member of the “ OUSL Art Circle” in the current year

e. Only one office position can be held by an individual at any one time.

f. The Committee Members shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting for a period of one year.

I. Election to the Executive committee shall be done at the AGM. A nominee to the Executive committee shall be proposed and seconded by general membership.

II. The Annual General Meeting shall be held in the month of January each year except for the Inaugural Meeting.

III. Annual General Meeting (AGM) is open only for the general membership and invited guests.

IV. Ongoing members may be re-elected for the next year by the end of their period; but shall not be elected to hold the same office for more than three consecutive years.

V. If more than one nomination is made for a particular post, the selection shall be based on majority valid votes.

VI. The quorum for an Annual General Meeting shall be one fifth (1/5) of the membership.

VII. A Special General Meeting (SGM) may be convened by the Secretary on a written request made by at least 10 members citing valid objectives to convene such a meeting.

*Note: For the composition of Executive committee of Regional OUSL Art Circle, refer Section 9(a) of the constitution

g. Functioning of the Executive Committee

I. At least one Executive Committee Meeting shall be convened once in every three months.

II. The President shall call and preside at all meetings. In the absence of the President, the Vice President shall chair the meetings. The president shall oversee all events and activities, and appoint members to oversee a particular activity or event if necessary.

III. Vice President shall extend fullest cooperation to the President to fulfill his/her duties. The President and the Secretary shall be collectively responsible for all the aspects of coordination within and between executive committee and membership. The President and the executive committee individually and collectively shall be responsible for the constitutional adherence of the “OUSL Art Circle”, its administration and coordination of all activities and achieve the objecting of the “OUSL Art Circle”.

IV All records of the Society shall be in the custody of a Joint Secretary from permanent staff member. Convening meetings of the Society and Executive Committee, preparation of the Agenda for the meetings and recording minutes shall be the main functions of joint Secretaries. The Joint Secretaries shall ensure that the minutes of meetings of the Society are available for inspection by the University or any other member of the Society.

IV. Funds of the Society shall be controlled and be under the custody of the Treasurer. The Treasurer shall be responsible for all funds and to maintaining financial reports and audit reports in order.

V. The quorum for an Executive Committee meeting shall be at least eight (08) members.

VI The Executive Committee shall have the right to appoint organizers if and when necessary for approved activities.

The Patron, Senior Advisor and Faculty Advisors
The Vice Chancellor, OUSL shall be the “Patron”. The “Patron” shall authorize and guide the society to achieve its stipulated objectives. The Director/student Welfare shall be the senior adviser to the “OUSL Art Circle”. In addition, Deans of all Faculties shall nominate an academic staff member as an advisor.

a) The Financial Year of the Society shall be from the 1st of January to the 31st of December including the both days.

b) Accounts shall be managed by the Treasurer under the supervision of the Executive committee

c) Use of funds must be done in line with the guidelines stipulated by the OUSL and other established policies.

d) The Executive Committee shall open Current / Savings Accounts in the name of the Society at a state bank/ SANASA of the OUSL and invest any money which exceeds the sum of Rupees 1,000/=.

e) The Executive Committee may also seek investment opportunities to procure attractive returns in the financial regulations of the University.

f) Signatories to the accounts of the Society shall be the Treasurer and the President or the nominated Join Secretary from permanent staff member.

g) An audited Annual Financial Statement shall be presented at the Annual General Meeting.

h) Auditor should be the Bursar- OUSL or his/her nominee.

Inspection of Books Records
The list of members, other records and the account books shall be made available for inspection by the members of the OUSL Art Circle, provided that a written notice is given one week ahead to the Secretary.

Amendments to the Constitution
The constitution may be altered or amended only at an Annual General Meeting with the 2/3rd of the majority votes.

Regional branches of the OUSL Art Circle
a) A branch of the OUSL Art Circle may be established at each Regional Centre, except the Colombo Regional Centre. Regional centres may include the cluster of Study centres assigned to each Regional centre.

b) An Executive committee of the branch shall consist of an Regional Vice-President Assistant-Secretory(Regional), Assistant treasurer (Regional) and seven executive committee members. Regional Vice-President and Assistant Treasure (Regional) shall be from the permanent staff of the Regional /Study Centre

c) Nominated academic coordinator and regional Assistant Director of the regional Centre(s) will be the advisors of the branch society.

d). Regulation and monitoring of regional ‘OUSL Art Circles’

  • The particular Reginal Centre shall adhere to the constitution of the OUSL Art Circle.
  • All official reports including minutes of executive committee, SGMs, AGM and activity plans shall be presented to the secretory of the OUSL-Art Circle.
  • All financial accounts of the branch must be maintained in accordance to the section 06 of the constitution.
  • Name of the Art circles other than main “OUSL Art Circle” of the Open University of Sri Lanka shall read as OUSL Art Circle of (the respective regional center). E.g., OUSL Art Circle of Kandy Regional Center, OUSL Art Circle of Jaffna Regional Center.
  • Information on elected Executive Committee members and report(s) of AGM including audited accounts should be submitted annually to the Board of Welfare for approval.

A copy of the constitution shall be issued to the OUSL library and Student Affairs & Welfare Division.

Director /Student Welfare
The open University of Sri Lanka

Last Updated on 2 years

The Open University of Sri Lanka
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