Dr S.D.R. Perera

Senior Lecturer (G I)

Mechanical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering Technology

Select, Automobile Lab

Office: 112881069, Ext: 569

E-mail: sdper@ou.ac.lk

Dr Perera joined the Department of Mechanical Engineering in the year 1995 as a Temporary Demonstrator and subsequently joined the permanent staff in the year 1999.  He was promoted to Senior Lecturer Gr ii in the year 2007. Currently he is serving the Department of Mechanical Engineerin in the capacity of a Senior Lecturer Gr I.

While serving the University, he contributed to the Tertiary and Vocational Education Commission in the Capacity of Director General from 2013 to 2015.

Google scolar link – https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=GMGMdO8AAAAJ&hl=en

Last Updated on 9 months

Areas of Specialization:

Automobile Engineering

Research interests:

Alternative fuels, Hybrid vehicles, aerodynamic performance of vehicles



Programme Coordination:

Bachelor of Technology, Master of Technoloogy

Course Coordination:

Automobile Technology, Automobile Engineering, Vehicle Dynamics, Technology Management


Award for the Excellence in research in the year 203 The Open University of Sri Lanka.

  • S D Rasika Perera, G.S Gunasena “Electronically controlled, liquid phase petroleum gas injection for spark ignition engines”. Engineering Research Unit Magazine of the Open University of Sri Lanka 2002 Volume 6-#1 September 2001 pp 21-23.
  • S D Rasika Perera, P D Sarath Chandra, M V Mendins “An investigation of the suitability of esterified vegetable oils for diesel engines” ISSN 0919-1364 pp27-30.
  • S D Rasika Perera, P D Sarath Chandra, W R De Mel “Feasibility of electric three-wheelers as a means of urban transportation”. Inaugural annual academic sessions2003” The Open University of Sri Lanka pp36.
  • S D Rasika Perera, N R Arthenayake, P D Sarath Chandra and M V Mendis “A comparison of lubricity of esterified vegetable oil”- Annual transactions of the Institution of Engineers of Sri Lanka 2003.
  • S D Rasika Perera, P D Sarath Chandra, M V Mendins “Investigation on Liquid-Phase LPG Injection for Automobiles” FISITA world automotive congress 2004- abstract available on ttp://www.fisita2004.com/programme/programme/F2004V156
  • S.D. Rasika Perera , Upul S. Fernando, Terry Sheldrake and Richard Clements “Assessment of fretting damage in pressure armour wires of flexible pipes” 8th International Conference on Multiaxial Fatigue & Fracture (2007)
  • Nimali T. Medagedara, P.D. Sarath Chandra, S.D.R. Perera (2003), “Comparing the Finite Element Analysis of a notch component with Neuber analysis for cyclic torsion loading” Annual Academic sessions (2003), The open University of Sri lanka.


  • S. D. Rasika Perera, Upul S. Fernando, Terry Sheldrake, and Richard Clements (2007)   An Investigation Into Fretting Behaviour in Pressure Armor Wires of  Unbonded Flexible Pipes  OMAE2007-29393 2007 Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering: Volume 3
  • S D Rasika Perera, HGPA Ratnaweera “Assessing the effectiveness of teacher development workshops through learning contracts – a case study” Presented at the annual academic sessions 2011 of the Open University of Sri Lanka


Ongoing Research:
  • Development of a diesel electric hybrid bus
  • Investigation of the Effect of diesel fuel injection spray pattern on exhaust emissions
The Open University of Sri Lanka
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