Bachelor of Science Honours in Botany

Life on earth is sustained through plants. The very air we breath, the food we eat and water for our existence are made available by plant life. The discipline of Botany is a fascinating component of biology that encompasses the fundamental sciences and applications of plant life.
The students who have completed Botany as a major subject at Level 3 and 4 are eligible for selection to an Honors degree programme in Botany at the end of the second year (level 4).
We offer Bachelor of Science (Hon’s) in Botany with a comprehensive array of courses which come under the discipline of Botany. The first two years of your degree will be spent acquiring fundamental yet essential knowledge and skills in the field of Botany which will be a steppingstone to Level 5 and 6 which will broaden your horizons in the field of Botany by introducing you to applied aspects of Botany and also giving you in-depth knowledge in varying aspects related to Botany.
An honors degree student will have the opportunity of studying novel subjects such as molecular biology, bioinformatics, biotechnology, data analysis, and also applied fields in Botany such as integrated crop protection, plant pathology, soil science, industrial microbiology and further, gain in-depth knowledge on fundamental areas such as plant ecology, physiology and systematics. These students will also have an opportunity to read in depth on current issues related to the discipline and engage in a research project which will introduce them to the application of the scientific method and the field of research.
If plant life, their interrelations and applications fascinates you an Honors degree in Botany maybe the avenue for you.

This Degree programme is progressionally linked with the BSc and MSc Degrees in the University of Essex, UK

Programme code SS
Programme category Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Botany
Conducted by Department of Botany, Faculty of Natural Sciences
Programme duration 4 years
Disciplines/courses The Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Botany involves courses in the major fields of Plant Sciences:

Environmental and applied Microbiology, Plant Pathology, Plant Growth and Development, Plants and Man, Soils and Plant Growth, Literature Review in Botany, Plant Breeding, Postharvest Technology of Fresh Produce, Horticulture, Research Project in Botany

Admission Criteria for BSc (Hons) in Botany

Please note that BSc (Hons) degree programme is 2 + 2 programme, which indicate that the students will admit to the level 5 of the Hons degree programme in Botany after successful completion of Level 3 and 4 of the BSc degree programme within four (04) consecutive academic years from his/her initial registration for the Degree of Bachelor of Science with the following minimum requirements are fulfilled.

  • A minimum of C grades for thirty (30) course credits of regular courses at Level 3, AND,
  • A minimum of C grades for twenty-four (24) course credits at Level 4, including twelve (12) course credits from the subject of Botany and, at least eligibility for sitting final examination for the other six (06) course credits, AND
  • A minimum GPA of 3.00 in course credits adding up to twenty (20) course credits of Levels 3 and 4, from the subject of Botany, AND,
  • At least a Pass grade or Exemption for each of the continuing education courses.

B.Sc. Honors degree Programme
Criteria extracted from student handbook 2023/24 (page 46)

1. Eligibility – 60 credits from Level 3 & Level 4 subjects.
2. Complete Level 3 & Level 4 subjects within 4 academic years.
3. Required “C” grades for 30 credits at Level 3.
4. Minimum 24 credits pass (C grades) in level 4.
5. From that 12 credits pass (C grade) for subject specialization at level 4.
6. At least eligibility required for other subjects (6 credits) at Level 4.
7. At least 3.00 GPA to subject specialization (adding up to 20 credits Level 3 & Level 4).
8. Pass / exemption for each of the continuing education courses.

Accepting On-line Applications : 22th May 2024
Closing Date for On-line Applications: 26th May 2024
Programme Registration date : 27th May 2024
Commencement of Academic Activities : 29th May 2024

Application for the Honours Degree 2024/25

Form R 5/6 (BSc Honours Degree) – Botany (2023/24)

Course Fee : LKR 2610/= per Credit in Levels 3 and 4; LKR 3270/= per credit in levels 5; in level 6, course fee depends on the selected courses and an additional of LKR.18000-25000/= as laboratory fees.

Tuition Fee – Overseas Students


Regulation for BSc Honours – Botany

Subject disciplines in B. Sc special degree in Botany.

Course code Credits Course Title Pre- Requisites Course coordinator
Discipline- based Courses
BYU6300*3 Plant Molecular Biology – Prof. S.R. Weerakoon
BYU6301 3 Bioinformatics – Dr. Prasad Senadheera
BYU6302 3 Biotechnology – Dr. Prasad Senadheera
BYU6303* Experimental Design and Biological data Analysis – Dr. K.O.L.C. Karunanayake
BYU6304 3 Integrated Crop Protection BYU5301 (EL) Dr. H.L.D. Weerahewa
BYU6305 3 Industrial Microbiology BYU5300 (EL) Dr. W.H.M.A.T. Herath
BYU6306 3 Molecular Systematics Dr. Lakmini Kumarage
BYU6307*3 Advanced Plant Physiology and Biochemistry – Dr. L.K.R.R. Jayakody
Dr. Prasad Senadheera
BYU6308*3 Advanced Ecology – Dr. K.A.R. S. Perera
BYU6309 3 Soil Biology BYU5304 (EL) Prof. T.K. Weerasinghe
BYU6310 3 Advanced Plant Pathology BYU5301 (Pass)
BYU6911*9 Research Project in Botany(Special Degree) – Prof. S.R. Weerakoon
BYU6313*3 Special Topics in Botany –

Note : * compulsory courses

Avalable Courses for this Study Programme Find Courses

Contact Details


Head/Botany, Faculty of Natural Sciences, The Open University of Sri Lanka, Nawala, Nugegoda.

Contact: 0112-881134, extension: 634


Contact Programme Coordinator

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