Undergraduate Students
57 0
Postgraduate Students
1 0
Diploma Students
1 0
Certificate course Students

The Faculty of Natural Sciences has over 35 years of experience in delivering science degree programmes adopting the Open and Distance Learning (ODL) methodologies. The Faculty functions under the leadership of the Dean, who is the administrative and the academic head. It consists of six Departments: Botany, Chemistry, Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics and Zoology. In keeping with the mission and objectives of the Faculty, it currently offers 29 programmes of study ranging from Certificate to Postgraduate level, as well as stand-alone courses and short courses. The main undergraduate programmes offered by the Faculty are BSc degree programme and BSc (Hons) degree programmes with nearly 5,000 students.

The programmes of study offered by the Faculty of Natural Sciences are designed to develop competency in the area of specialisation, the soft skills and the technology needed for the 21st Century world of work. Further, learners are given several opportunities to enhance their career paths and continuously instil a passion for lifelong learning. 

Enrolling to the BS Degree programme in the Faculty of Natural Sciences enables you to make a choice at the end of level 4 (second year) to continue in the OUSL or join up with the BSc Degree in the University of Essex, UK through progression link. At the completion of level 5 (third year) if you are eligible to register for a Special (Hons.) Degree in the OUSL, you will be able to gain direct entry to the MSc programmes in University of Essex, UK. Read More

Upcoming Programmes

success stories about OUSL