Sri Lanka Journal of Management Studies (SLJMS)
Editor-In-Chief: Prof. Nalin Abeysekara
ISSN (Online): 2792-1093, ISSN (Print): 2682-7298
About the Journal
Sri Lanka Journal of Management Studies (SLJMS) is an international, peer-reviewed open access journal which is published by the Faculty of Management Studies of the Open University of Sri Lanka with high-quality, and original research contributions to management knowledge. The Sri Lanka Journal of Management Studies publishes two issues a year (i.e. June and December).
In the dynamic business environment, there is a need for innovative management research to understand the patterns and rhythms of the business landscape. Researchers need to think for researchers to think differently for sustainability which is one of the key ideas of this journal. SLJMS encourages scholars around the world to submit their papers in Business Management with the essence of novelty and creativity which is important for the current business context. All theoretical and applied manuscripts in the management discipline are considered for publication. SLJMS considers research papers, case studies, and book reviews for publication. The SLJMS explicitly desires to see all standard traditions contribute to debates on management theory and practice.
SLJMS is an eclectic international forum for insights, innovations, and advances in Management and study designs using qualitative, quantitative, or mixed-method research. Accordingly, it is a rigorous and authoritative publication that includes the best of theory and practices and provides a good platform to exchange the latest innovative ideas in an accessible manner.
There is no Article Processing Charges (APC) for the papers submitted to SLJMS. Before submitting the manuscript to SLJMS, prospective authors are advised to read the aims & scope of the journal including submission guidelines.
The Editor-in-chief of the journal would like to invite all researchers, specialists, and professionals in various disciplines of management studies to contribute to the upcoming issues. Manuscripts should be submitted to Editor-in-chief Professor Nalin Abeysekera (email:
Submission Email: (carbon copy email)
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