Aims and Scope

Sri Lanka Journal of Management Studies welcomes empirical and theoretical (conceptual) articlesrelating to all disciplines of management. The articles which advance knowledge of management andorganisational studies in the area of organization theory, organizational behaviour, human resourcemanagement, strategy, international business, entrepreneurship, innovation and critical managementstudies are suitable for submission.

SLJMS seeks to meet a wide and sophisticated audience. As such, all contributions to the Journal areexpected to be intellectually rigorous, well embedded in the relevant literature, yet understandable toour wide audience. The papers should aim to develop strong theoretical and/or empirical insights sothat it significantly contributes to the development of current body of knowledge and the informedreader could learn something new from it.

The scope of the journal includes but not limited to the following:

  • – Innovations in Management
  • – Strategic Management
  • – General Management and Leadership
  • – Marketing
  • – Human Resource Management
  • – Corporate Social Responsibility and Ethics
  • – Financial Management
  • – Entrepreneurship
  • – Financial Accountancy
  • – Electronic Commerce
  • – Sustainability in Management
  • – Quality Management
  • – Change Management
  • – Any Contemporary Management Issues

Last Updated on 7 months

The Open University of Sri Lanka
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