Programmes-Electrical and Computer Engineering Dept

Bachelor of Software Engineering Honours

The Bachelor of Software Engineering Honours (BSEHons) programme aims to produce quality, skillful graduates in this rapidly developing discipline, which covers one of the major fields of computing according to the ACM/IEEE curriculum guidelines. The degree has been specially designed in response to the industry demand to produce graduate software engineers.


 Bachelor of Science Honours in Engineering – Computer Engineering

Bachelor of Computer Engineering is a four (04) year degree programme specializing in Computer Engineering. This degree programme is accredited by Institute of Engineers Sri Lanka (IESL) allowing the students to obtain the membership of this prestigious Institute.

The courses offered for Computer Engineering integrate both software and hardware aspects of computing. Graduates can work in the fields of Embedded systems, Computer Hardware Design, Computer Networking or Software Development.

Bachelor of Science Honours in Engineering – Electrical Engineering

The B.Sc. (Hons) in Electrical Engineering program of OUSL is one of the major disciplines offered to produce higher level of technical and management grade graduates in the electrical engineering profession. This four year academic program specialized in the fields of planning, design, operation and control with an industrial training and an associated project component is specially designed to produce quality skilful electrical engineers.

Bachelor of Science Honours in Engineering – Electronics & Communication Engineering

The B.Sc. (Hons) in Electronic and Communication Engineering aims to produce renowned engineers to play a leading role in design and development of modern electronic and telecommunication systems. It gives the required theoretical and practical know-how to embark on careers in rapidly growing areas of modern Data networking, Mobile communications, Television and radio broadcasting, Satellite communication, Electronic and instrumentation engineering and Control Systems engineering.


Master of Data Science

Those who successfully complete the Study Programme will be equipped with a sound theoretical knowledge with new technologies in the field of Data Science


Master of Science in Data Science

With the advancement in digital infrastructure and accessibility the use of Internet is steadily growing with hundreds and thousands of people newly joining the Internet community. The activities done on the internet by these users leaves quintillion bytes of data each day.


Master of Science in Telecommunication & Networking

Will be in operation after getting the UGC approval

Recently, with the introduction of a wide array of novel telecommunication technologies such as fiber Communication, 4G and 5G mobile communication, Next Generation Networks (NGN) and networking services such as massive Internet of Things (IoT) to Sri Lanka, the demand for technical personnel to support these novel services has grown immensely.


Master of Telecommunication & Networking

Will be in operation after getting the UGC approval

The Study Programmes aims to impart necessary specific theoretical knowledge and skills in the areas of Telecommunication Engineering and Networking fields to the graduates of engineering and physical sciences who aspire to become leaders and managers of the respective industries.

Last Updated on 2 months

The Open University of Sri Lanka
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