Editorial Board & Advisory Board- Legal

Editorial Board & Advisory Board

Editor in Chief

Dr. Y. Kathirgamathamby

Editorial Board

Dr. Sanath Wijesinghe
Ms. H.N. Damayanthi
Ms. S. Janaka
Ms. D.M.N.M. Jayarathne
Ms. Ruwanthika Ariyaratna

Advisory Board

Professor Tina Cockburn
Director of the Australian Centre for Health Law Research
Faculty of Business and Law
Queensland University of Technology
Brisbane, Australia

Professor M. Sornarajah
Emeritus Professor
Faculty of Law
National University of Singapore

Professor T. Ramakrishna
Chair Professor of Intellectual Property Law
National Law School of India University
Bangalore, India

Professor N.S. Punchihewa
Dean, Faculty of Law
Professor in Department of Commercial Law
University of Colombo, Sri Lanka

Professor S.S.M.W. Senevirathne
Chair Professor in Department of Public and International Law
Faculty of Law
University of Colombo, Sri Lanka

Hon. Dr. Saleem Marsoof
Former Judge of the Supreme Court of Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka

Editorial Assistants

Ms. Dulmi Jayasinghe
Ms. Prineetha Bandaranayake


Published By

The Department of Legal Studies
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
The Open University of Sri Lanka
Nawala, Nugegoda, Sri Lanka

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