Frequently Asked Questions
This degree is for anyone who is interested in studying Psychology.
Also, if you belong to any of the categories listed below, then you have come to the right place.
- You are interested in acquiring knowledge and basic skills of the discipline and its many subfields, through the Open & Distance Learning platform
- You are working full-time and find it near impossible to enrol for a study programme in Psychology
- You are considering a career change and do not have time to study in a traditional educational setting
- You are out of school and looking for a challenging study programme in Psychology
- You are simply intrigued by Psychology and want to learn more about the discipline at your own pace, without restricting yourself to a traditional university setting
a) THREE passes in one sitting at G.C.E. A/L (Advanced Level)in any stream,
b) C grades or equivalent in 60 credits at levels 1 and 2 from among the Foundation Courses of the OUSL in science/ social sciences,
c) An equivalent or higher qualification acceptable to the Senate
S Pass for English at the G.C.E O/L (Ordinary Level) Examination.
“Open and Distance Learning is a term used to describe courses flexibly designed to meet individual requirements. It is often applied to the provision which tries to remove barriers that prevent attendance at traditional courses, but it also suggests a learner-centred philosophy”
(Lewis and Spencer, 1987)
- LOCATION is chosen by the learner. You can learn from anywhere you have the opportunity and time to engage in learning the required material. Exceptions are compulsory exams and practical sessions where your presence is required
- AVAILABILITY of courses to suit priorities. You might choose few courses or the minimum level required per academic year depending on your workload at home or at work. There could be some restrictions. For example, some courses will have to be completed satisfactorily before you register for higher level courses
- LENGTH of the program to suit the learner (either complete during the minimum 4 year period or pace the learning to suit your circumstances)
- ACCESS– Increasing access to wider range of people for education through a network of Regional and Study Centres
- MODE-learning methods differ from printed material to online learning material to CD & DVDs
Whereas, Counselling Psychology is one branch/speciality within Psychology Profession. It will focus on helping a person (client) in a pre determined setting about their concerns, difficulties and guiding them to resolve these in a non-directive manner
With a Psychology degree, you are well placed to pursue a career in most fields within the government and private sectors, depending on your other experiences and personal interests. There are many entry-level jobs for graduates with a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology.
For example:
- Psychosocial Worker (Government & Non Governmental organisations)
- Trainee Counsellor (Military, Health Institutes, Organizational and Industrial Sector Government Institutions such as Ministry of Women and Child Affairs Ministry and Child Protection Authority (NCPA), various Non Governmental Organisations (NGOs), and other private institutions
- Research officer
- Teaching in private and government institutions
We are developing this study program adhering to the OUSL Curriculum Development Standards and Sri Lanka Qualification Framework (SLQF).The SLQF applies to all higher education institutions (HEIs) both public and private providing post-secondary education. The SLQF is approved and advocated by the University Grants Commission (UGC).
In addition, since this is a Psychology degree, we will comply with guidelines stipulated by International Authorities on Psychology Education and Profession such as the American Psychological Association (APA), British Psychology Association (BPA), Australian Psychology Accreditation Council (APAC) and the UK Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education. We specifically referred to the following documents: Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF), UK subject benchmark statement for Psychology and UNESCO report on Higher Education in Asia (2014)
Last Updated on 1 year