Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines 

  • Manuscripts should be prepared according to APA guidelines for referencing and formatting.
  • Page set-up: one inch each side, B5 paper size
  • Line spacing: single
  • Font: Times New Roman, 10 sizefor the content and 11 for Sub headings
  • Manuscripts should be not more than 8000 words in length including tables and references
  • Title should be Concise and informative
  • Author names and affiliations.Please clearly indicate the given name(s) and family name(s) of each author and check that all names are accurately spelled.
  • Abstract -A concise and factual abstract is required (150-200 words).
  • Immediately after the abstract, provide a maximum of 5 keywords.
  • Subdivision – numbered sections
    Divide your article into clearly defined and numbered sections as follows;
  1. Introduction
  2. Objectives
  3. Methodology
  4. Results and Discussion
  5. Conclusion
  6. References


Subsections should be numbered as 1.1, 1.1.1 etc.

  • Tables and Figures: Please submit tables as editable text and not as images.
  • Please refer the sample paper for formatting (including tables)

Last Updated on 2 years

The Open University of Sri Lanka
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