Responsibilities of the Director CQA
The Director should be appointed for a period of three years, with the concurrence of the UGC. He/she will be eligible for reappointment for not more than one more term of three years,
- Develop regulations for the CQA and obtain approval from the University Council for the same.
- Prepare operational guidelines for the CQA in accordance with the general guidelines developed by QAC of the UGC and customized for the university’s governance structure/ organogram and specific implementation arrangement.
- Develop a 3-year Strategic Plan for the CQA; Obtain approval from the University Senate and Council
- and concurrence of the QAC of the UGC, before the implementation.
- Develop the annual work plan for the CQA and obtain approval from the University Senate and Council at the Commencement of each calendar year.
- Develop the annual budget for QA activities in the university along with the university’s annual budget estimates submitted to the Treasury and obtain Finance Committee and Council approval.
- Ensure that the CQA is established on the university website and details are updated regularly.
- Report regularly on QA activities and progress to the University Senate and Council.
- Circulate notices of QA activities in the university to the university community and other universities.
- Conduct University and Faculty level awareness programs on QA.
- Initiate and support the preparation of SER for Institutional Reviews.
- Motivate and support study programs to prepare SERs for program reviews.
- Provide necessary training and workshops for Self-Assessment Report (SER) preparation.
- Motivate and support academic staff to showcase best practices in QA.
- Develop relationships and liaise with international agencies and universities on QA activities.
- Support academic staff in the process of preparing proposals for the conduct of new degree programs and ensure that applications submitted to the UGC for approval in this regard are compliant with the Sri Lanka Qualifications Framework.
- Report on university QA activities at the UGC Standing Committee on QA.
- Submit an annual report of the CQA to the QAC of the UGC.
- Convene and facilitate all meetings of the CQA and FQACs.
- Assist manual preparation on QA aspects in Faculties.
Make available to all staff and external stakeholders the results of external and internal reviews, including student surveys.
Responsibilities & Duties of the Coordinator of IQACs
- Liaise with the Director of the Internal Quality Assurance Unit of the University to coordinate university-level Quality Assurance (QA) activities.
- Represent the Faculty/Institute in all QA-related activities.
- Organize Faculty/Institute level QA meetings.
- Suggest names of members to the Dean, to be appointed as domain coordinators or members for each criterion in the Quality Assurance Manuals of the UGC.
- Provide guidance to the domain coordinators and prepare the faculty level Internal QA Report with their support.
- Liaise with professional quality assurance and accreditation bodies on matters pertaining to QA and accreditation, if required.
- Monitor the collation and analysis of Faculty level internal QA data such as peer review forms and student feedback forms.
- Work with other related committees and units within the faculty on matters related to QA.
- Answer and address issues related to QA raised by the faculty members in general and by the QA domain coordinators in particular.
- Report the activities of the Faculty QA Cell to the Faculty Board and IQAU regularly.
Last Updated on 6 months