The Program
The Bachelor of Software Engineering Honours (BSEHons) programme aims to produce quality, skillful graduates in this rapidly developing discipline, which covers one of the major fields of computing according to the ACM/IEEE curriculum guidelines. The degree has been specially designed in response to the industry demand to produce graduate software engineers.
For those who aspire to become software architects, software engineers, system analysts, and QA engineers this programme would be of immense value. The duration of the program is four (4) years, however, if a student possesses accepted formal post-secondary educational qualifications at the entrance, he/she may complete the program within a shorter period.
This programme explores the design, construction and implementation of large, complex software systems, which meet information processing challenges, subject to constraints such as cost, time and risk management. Students should complete core units in computer science, programming, software engineering, mathematics and Quality Assurance and Testing. Special attention is given to making students proficient in communication skills.
All Day schools, lab sessions and discussions will be conducted in English medium
Special attention is given to making students proficient in communication skills
Delivery of the BSEHons programme is coordinated by the Center for IT Educational Services (CITES)
Our Partnerships
The OUSL has formed a close collaboration with the Sri Lanka Association for Software Service Companies (SLASSCOM), the largest association for companies exporting software. Experts from SLASSCOM member companies have provided input to the design of the curricula to ensure that the graduates of the program have the right attributes and qualities expected by the software industry. SLASSCOM member companies will also provide internship opportunities and scholarships for those with the right attitude and aptitude. We would also like to suggest that you take up the challenges listed at the FutureCareersBridge site maintained by SLASSCOM, so you can get a head start on developing IT skills that will help you to secure internships as well as help in successfully completing the BSE degree program.
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Program Delivery
The OUSL use a technology-supported distance delivery model to deliver the programme. A Learner Management System (LMS), is used to manage the learner activities and provide access to materials. Tutorial support is provided through discussion forums and other facilities available in the LMS. A panel of dedicated tutorial support staff is coordinating small groups of students and provide individual assistance when required.
The Study Programme is delivered online mostly except for Final Examinations. Whenever possible on-site activities are arranged at selected Regional Centers.
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Programme learning outcomes
PLO1: Apply knowledge of mathematics, basic sciences and engineering fundamentals to the analysis of complex engineering problems.
PLO2: Identify, formulate, research literature, conduct investigations and solve complex engineering problems to provide valid conclusions.
PLO3: Design systems, components or processes that meet specified needs.
PLO4: Conduct investigations of complex problems using research based knowledge and research methods.
PLO5: Create, select and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools to complex engineering activities.
PLO6: Assess societal, health, safety, legal, cultural and environmental issues related to professional engineering solutions.
PLO7: Demonstrate broad knowledge of sustainable development concepts and practices required for dealing with contemporary issues related to professional engineering practice.
PLO8: Demonstrate broad knowledge of ethical responsibilities and professional standards
PLO9: Demonstrate ability to function effectively as an individual and in multidisciplinary and multi-cultural teams, with the capacity to be a leader or manager as well as an effective team member.
PLO10: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
PLO11: Demonstrate broad knowledge of management and business practices, including financial management, risk and change management.
PLO12: Engage in independent and lifelong learning in the broad context of technological Change
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Minimum and Maximum period of the study programme
This is a 4-year specialised degree in software engineering according to the contents of the programme. Maximum number years a student can take to complete the degree is 12 years. Study Programme will be delivered in 2 Semesters from the Academic year 2021/2022.
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Exemptions applicable for Bachelor of Software Engineering Study Programme
Application for Evaluation of Qualifications for Exemptions Download
Qualifications in English Language
Course exempted
G C E (A/L) – Simple pass in General English , or any recognised qualification in Science or Technology/Engineering, at the level of Diploma or Degree, the medium of instruction being English (verification needed)
The recommended exemptions are granted to the students who have satisfied the admission requirement to the Programme of Study
Courses Exempted
[Higher] Diploma in Technology (OUSL) Civil, Textile, Agriculture
VTI3F00, MHZ3459
[Higher] Diploma in Technology (OUSL) Electrical, Electronics, Mechanical, Mechatronics
VTI3F00, MHZ3459, EEX3373
Diploma in Technology (OUSL) Computer
VTI3F00, MHZ3459, EEX3373, EEX3467, EEX4465
BSc/BA or equivalent University degree (except specialisation in Computing)
BCS (British Computer Society) Certificate
VTI3F00, EEX3467
CMA (Certified Management Accountants)– Stage I or II
CIMA (Chartered Institute of Management Accountants)
- Stage I or II |
IBSL (Institute of Bankers of Sri Lanka) Certificate or Advance Certificate in Banking and Finance
NIBM (National Institute of Business Management) Diploma in Computer System Design (DCSD) (from 2010)
VTI3F00, EEI3346, EEI3266, EEI3262, EEX3373, EEX3467, EEI4362
NIBM (National Institute of Business Management) Higher Diploma in Computer Based Information Systems (HDCBIS) (from 2010)
EEI3269, EEI4346, ECI4366, EEX4465, EEI4369, EEY4189, VTI3F00
NDT (National Diploma in Technology) Electronic & Telecom or NDES (National Diploma in Engineering Sciences) (Old curriculum)
VTI3G00, MHZ3459, EEX3373
NDICT (National Diploma in Information and Communication Technology)
VTI3F00, EEX3373
Diploma in System Design and Programming, Vocational Training Authority (VTA)
VTI3F00, EEX3373
OUSL Faculty of Engineering Technology MHZ3530 or MHZ3531
Course Exemptions
Courses Exempted
OUSL Faculty of Engineering Technology MHZ3531 or EEZ3561
OUSL Faculty of Engineering Technology EEX3465 or EEX3467 (DIST)
OUSL Faculty of Engineering Technology EEI3364 or EEI3346 (DIST)
OUSL Faculty of Engineering Technology EEX3262 or EEI3262 (DIST)
OUSL Faculty of Engineering Technology EEI3566 or EEI3266 (DIST)
OUSL Faculty of Engineering Technology EEI3368 or EEI3668 (DIST)
OUSL Faculty of Engineering Technology EEI3369 or EEI3269 (DIST)
OUSL Faculty of Engineering Technology EEM3466 or EEM3366 (DIST)
OUSL Faculty of Engineering Technology MHZ4530
OUSL Faculty of Engineering Technology EEX3533 or EEX3336
OUSL Faculty of Engineering Technology EEX3363 (DIST)
OUSL Faculty of Engineering Technology EEX4535
OUSL Faculty of Engineering Technology EEX4547 or EEX3517or EEX3417
OUSL Faculty of Engineering Technology EEX5536 and ECX5535
AAT- Association of Accounting Technicians (Sri Lanka) - Stage II or III
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Programme Code :
Programme Category :
Undergraduate Programme
Conducted by :
Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Technology
Programme duration :
Minimum 4 Years
Discipline(s) / Course(s) :
• Obtained three (03) passes in G.C.E (A/L) Examination in any stream (excluding General English and General Information Technology subjects) in any number of sittings or
• Obtained “C” passes in any three (03) subjects in Cambridge/ Edexcel Advanced Level Examination, or
• Completed any Advanced Certificate Program offered by the OUSL , or
• Any other qualification acceptable to the Senate
Any other Qualification claimed in lieu of A/L must be equivalent to GCE (A/L) acceptable to the University

- Pass the Selection Test
The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering will conduct a series of pre-orientation sessions at selected Regional Centers together with webinars to present the details about the study program. Webinar links will be available in the near future.
Application Issuing date: 01.09.2024
Application closing date: Closed for 2024/25 Academic Year
Selection Test dates : 20 October 2024
Local and Foreign Students – Application fee – 750 LKR
Local Students
Registration fee – Rs. 500/=
Facilities fee – Rs. 2500/=
Library Facilities fee – Rs. 100/=. (A refundable deposit will be charged if you get the facility to borrow books from the library)
Per Credit fee – Rs. 4190/=
(In a year a student may take up to 32 – 33 credits and to graduate a student must pass 130 credits)
Bursaries and Scholarship opportunities are available at OUSL for those who require financial assistance.
For more details Contact the coordinators via the Help Desk
Address :
Dept. of Electrical and Computer Eng/ OUSL/ Nawala
Contact :
+94 11 288 1081,
+94 70 181 9239 Tamil and English medium
+94 70 181 9240 Sinhala and English medium
+94 70 181 9241 English medium
Email :
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