Dr. P.W.H.K.P. Daulagala

I graduated from the University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, following a B. Sc. (Special Degree in Botany) in 1993. After my graduation, I served at the Department of Botany, University of Peradeniya as an Assistant Lecturer until I joined the Open University of Sri Lanka as a Lecturer (Probationary) in 1993. I received a scholarship

Dr. L.K.R.R. Jayakody

B.Sc. (Univesity of  Colombo, SL), Ph.D (University of Lancaster, UK) Last Updated on 4 years

Dr. K.A.J.M. Kuruppuarachchi

Update later Last Updated on 2 years

Professor H.L. Darshani Weerahewa

Update later Last Updated on 3 years

Dr Prasad Senadheera

As a Senior Lecturer in Botany I focused my work in the field of plant biotechnology, genetics and physiology. I coordinate two undergraduate courses: Plant Physiology, Plant bioinformatics and Plant cell and Biochemistry in the Open University. My research interest is in the field of Abiotic stress tolerance in plant giving particular attention to the

Senior Professor Shyama R. Weerakoon (Chair)

I graduated from University of Colombo, Sri Lanka following a B.Sc. Special Degree in Botany. Then received my Ph.D. in Genetics and Plant Breeding from University of Western Australia, Australia, and completed post-doctoral studies (Sept. 2007 to Sept. 2009) at the same university. I joined the Department of Botany at the Open University of Sri Lanka

Professor Thamara Kalyani Weerasinghe

Senior Lecturer I in Botany in the Open University of Sri Lanka Last Updated on 4 years
The Open University of Sri Lanka
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