Refundable deposit for cloaks – Graduation Ceremony 2021 (II)

Dear Graduate,

This is to inform you that the University has begun to refund the deposit for cloaks amounting to Rs.5,000.00 a week after the Graduation Ceremony. However, the University has encountered some practical issues when processing the refund requests, especially since a significant portion of account numbers provided by the graduates are incompatible with the slip transaction system. As a result, some slip transactions were processed, and the majority were unsuccessful. The University found it challenging to handle nearly 4000 refund requests within a week and was forced to check each account details to complete the refund process manually.

While regretting the inconvenience caused due to the delay in refunding the deposited money, we assure you that we will complete the refund process within the next few days. Those who have already received the refundable deposit are requested to ignore this message.

Thank you.

Assistant Registrar / Examinations
For Registrar

The Open University of Sri Lanka
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