The Department of Psychology and Counselling of the Faculty of Health Sciences, symbolically celebrated the launch of the BSc (Hons) in Psychology Degree Programme on 19th of October 2018 at the New Conference Hall. The event symbolized the launch of the first Psychology Degree to be offered in the Open and Distance Learning mode in the country and the first Bachelor of Science Honours degree in the government sector universities. This four year special degree will be offered by the Department of Psychology and Counselling at the Faculty of Health Sciences.
The Guest of Honour at the event was Dr. Razia Pendse, the current World Health Organization country representative to Sri Lanka, who spoke on the importance of Psychology in Sri Lanka, highlighting the importance of the Bio-Psycho-Social approach to understanding illness with many examples from the Sri Lankan context. There were nearly 100 guests comprising of students of the first batch of the degree programme and resource persons who contributed to the development of the course, alongside the university’s Senior Management Committee members and Faculty members.
Last Updated on 3 months