Ms. Bhagya Pabsarani

Lecturer (on Contract)

B.A. (Sp.) TESL (University of Sri Jayawardhanapurna, Sri Lanka)

Department of English Language Teaching (DELT)
Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences

Room 5, Department of English Language Teaching (DELT), Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Building No 14), The Open University of Sri Lanka, Nawala, Nugegoda.

Office: , Ext: 2501


Areas of Specialization:

Teaching English as a Second Language.

Research interests:

Inclusive Education, Task Based Learning, Active Learning strategies.

Programme Coordination:

English for General Academic Purpose (EGAP) – Cycle 1.


L.W.D.B. (2021)  English as a Second Language for Visually Impaired, Partially Deaf and Differently Abled Learners in Tertiary Education A Qualitative Study Based on the ‘Guide for Inclusive Teaching at Colombia’[ Dissertation ] , University of Sri Jayewardenepura.

The Open University of Sri Lanka
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