Mr. K.M.I.Nishantha

Lecturer (Probationary)


CRC, 3rd floor, Science and Technology building, Room No : W5

Office: 112881443, Ext: 619 Mobile: -

E-mail: -

I obtained my BSc degree (Special in Mathematics) with a second class upper division from the Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. (2005). I was a Temporary Lecturer at Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, University of Peradeniya.(2005-2007) ,and Dept. of Physical Sciences, Faculty of Applied Science, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka(2008-2009).

Last Updated on 4 years

Areas of Specialization:


Research interests:

Differential Equations Statistics Number Theory Mathematical Modelling Financial Mathematics


Programme Coordination:

Course Coordination:

Level 03 Pure Mathematics: PUU1140-Logic and Mathematical proofs PUU1141-Foundation of Mathematics PUU1142-Vector Spaces



Ongoing Research:

Research Supervisions:


Nishantha,K.M.I, and Dissanayake,U.N.B.(2005). “Dual multiplier accelerator interactions in income determination models.” Proceedings of the Peradeniya University Research Sessions (PURSE-2005) K.M.I.Nishantha (2012) “Getting Feedback in Distance Education, Teaching, Learning, Assessment and Skills Development in Higher Education”, Staff Development Center, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka.

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