Senior Lecturer (G I)
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Faculty of Engineering Technology
Senior Lecturer
Central Campus, 2nd intermediate floor, Science and Technology building, Room No : E203
Office: 112881272, Ext: 272 Mobile: +94776003087
Senior Lecturer- Grade I
Last Updated on 4 years
Areas of Specialization:Wireless Communication
Research interests:Wireless sensor networks, cellular resource management, information theory, source, channel and network coding for wireless, mobile positioning and geo-fencing, agriculture/wild life related electronics
Programme Coordination:MSc (Communication & Networking)
Course Coordination:EEX3351, EEX6450, EEX5150, EEY6D95
Researches:Journal Papers
- N. Balasuriya and C. Wavegedara, “Improved symbol value selection for symbol flipping based non-binary LDPC decoding”, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communication & Networking, 2017:105, June 2017, ISSN 1687-1499.
- M.R.H.E. Bandara and D.N. Balasuriya, “Design of a road-side threat alert system for deaf pedestrians”, ENGINEER, Vol. L, No. 2, April 2017, ISSN 1800-1122.
- C.R.M. Anthony and D.N. Balasuriya, “Electronic Honey Quality Analyzer”, ENGINEER, Vol. XLIX, No. 3, Oct 2016, ISSN 1800-1122.
- D.N. Balasuriya and S.D.N.A. Jayasooriya, “Automated dynamic and cooperative base station range setting in CDMA2000 cellular systems”, ENGINEER, Vol. XLVII, No. 1, Jan 2014, ISSN 1800-1122.
Conference Proceedings-Full Papers
- A. Bandara and N. Balasuriya ” Non-orthogonal multiple access in physical layer network coded parallel relay channels” In proc. IEEE International Conference on ICT for Emerging Regions (IcTer) , Sept 2018.
- S. Perera, N. Balasuriya and M. Sithara ” Primary user activity modeling using multi-term parameter estimation in cognitive radio systems” In proc. IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks & Telecommunication Systems , Dec 2017.
- S. Perera and N. Balasuriya, ” Visually impaired support system for identification of notes (VISION)” In proc. 16th International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions (ICTer) , Aug 2016, pp 96-99.
- G. Waththage and D.N. Balasuriya, ”Design of a remote controlled antenna bracket”, IESL Annual Transactions, Oct 2015.
- C. Lumbini and N. Balasuriya, ”An improved pedestrian tracking algorithm for NLOS cellular environments” In proc. 10th Asia Pacific Symposium on Information and Telecommunication Technologies , Aug 2015, pp 127-129.
- N. Balasuriya, ”A power-aware reliable routing algorithm for wireless sensor networks” In proc. 10th Asia Pacific Symposium on Information and Telecommunication Technologies , Aug 2015, pp 7-9.
- N. Balasuriya and C. Wavegedara, “Low-complexity LDPC decoder for physical layer network coded multi-way wireless relay systems”, in proc. IEEE ICIIS 2015, Dec 2015, pp 226-231.
- N. Balasuriya and C. Wavegedara, “Joint channel physical layer network coding in multi-way wireless relay systems”, in proc .IEEE ICIIS 2013, Dec 2013, pp 213-218.
- N.C. Samarawickrama and D.N. Balasuriya, ”Backup cellular base-station alarm monitoring system”, IESL Annual Transactions, Oct. 2013.
- M.B. Murshid and D.N. Balasuriya, ”Design of a remote controlled poultry feeder”, IESL Annual Transactions, Oct. 2013.
- N. Balasuriya, P. Yahampath, T.M. Ngatched and A.S. Alfa, “Low complexity iterative detection and decoding in finite geometry LDPC-coded MIMO systems”, Proc. IEEE PIMRC 2009, pp 1752-1756.
Abstracts and Extended Abstracts
- H.G.M.D. Bandara and D.N. Balasuriya ,” Design of an improved indoor positioning algorithm with neighbor fusion”, Proc. OUSL AAS, Nov 2018.
- S. Lowe and N. Balasuriya ”Improved cognitive radio with cooperative non-orthogonal multiple access” In proc. IEEE International Conference on ICT for Emerging Regions (IcTer) , Sept 2018.
- M.R.H.E. Bandar, I.P.M. Wickramasinghe and D.N. Balasuriya,” Single image depth estimation by blurriness of edges”, Proc. Wayamba University International Conference, Aug 2018.
- M.R.H.E. Bandara, I.P.M. Wickramasinghe and D.N. Balasuriya,” Image depth estimation algorithm based on edge colour separation”, Proc. Wayamba Research Congress, Aug 2018.
- M.R.H.E. Bandara and D.N. Balasuriya, ”Design of an ultra-user-friendly domestic water pump controller”, Proc. SLAAS AAS, Dec 2017.
- D.N. Balasuriya, ”Design of a wireless sensor network for rice store monitoring”, Proc. SLAAS AAS, Dec 2016.
- D.N. Balasuriya and M.V.D.H.S. Gunasekera,”Design of a practical radio frequency energy harvester”, Proc. OUSL AAS, Nov 2015.
- U.S.S. Perera and D.N. Balasuriya,” Sri Lankan currency note recognizer for visually impaired people”, Proc. OUSL AAS, Nov 2015.
- Y. Anuradha, N. Balasuriya and M. Ranasinghe,” A neural network based approach for mobile communication demand prediction, In proc. 15th International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions (ICTer) , Aug 2015.
- R.M.A. Priyadarshana and D.N. Balasuriya,” Design of an improved elephant tracking system” Proc. OUSL annual sessions, Nov 2014.
- A.M.I. Mihirani, A.W.C.K. Atugoda and D.N. Balasuriya,” Maritime boundary geo-fencing with enhanced accuracy” Proc. OUSL annual sessions, Nov 2014.
- A.D.Y. Anuradha, D.N. Balasuriya and D.D.M. Ranasinghe,” A study of the effect of subscriber characteristics towards the demand for mobile communication” Proc. OUSL annual sessions, Nov 2013.
- A.D.Y. Anuradha, D.N. Balasuriya and D.D.M. Ranasinghe, ” Demand prediction for Sri Lankan urban fixed wireless telecommunication sector” Proc. OUSL annual sessions, Nov 2013.
- S.S. Jayasinghe and D.N. Balasuriya,” Design of a remote controlled liquid medicine dispenser” Proc. OUSL annual sessions, Nov 2013.
- D.N. Balasuriya and L.K. Thotagamuwa,” Automated water management in rice fields” Proc. OUSL annual sessions, Nov 2013.
- D.N. Balasuriya and F.N. Nishanth,” Automated domestic water pump control system with enhanced usability and low maintenance” Proc. OUSL annual sessions, Nov 2013.