Dr. D.N. Balasuriya

Senior Lecturer (G I)

Electrical and Computer Engineering
Faculty of Engineering Technology
Senior Lecturer

Central Campus, 2nd intermediate floor, Science and Technology building, Room No : E203

Office: 112881272, Ext: 272 Mobile: +94776003087

E-mail: dnbal@ou.ac.lk

Senior Lecturer- Grade I

Last Updated on 4 years

Areas of Specialization:

Wireless Communication

Research interests:

Wireless sensor networks, cellular resource management, information theory, source, channel and network coding for wireless, mobile positioning and geo-fencing, agriculture/wild life related electronics

Programme Coordination:

MSc (Communication & Networking)

Course Coordination:

EEX3351, EEX6450, EEX5150, EEY6D95


Journal Papers

  1. N. Balasuriya and C. Wavegedara, “Improved symbol value selection for symbol flipping based non-binary LDPC decoding”, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communication & Networking, 2017:105, June 2017, ISSN 1687-1499. http://rdcu.be/tpq7
  2. M.R.H.E. Bandara and D.N. Balasuriya, “Design of a road-side threat alert system for deaf pedestrians”, ENGINEER, Vol. L, No. 2, April 2017, ISSN 1800-1122. http://engineer.sljol.info/articles/abstract/10.4038/engineer.v50i2.7253/
  3. C.R.M. Anthony and D.N. Balasuriya, “Electronic Honey Quality Analyzer”, ENGINEER, Vol. XLIX, No. 3, Oct 2016, ISSN 1800-1122. http://engineer.sljol.info/articles/abstract/10.4038/engineer.v49i3.7075/
  4. D.N. Balasuriya and S.D.N.A. Jayasooriya, “Automated dynamic and cooperative base station range setting in CDMA2000 cellular systems”, ENGINEER, Vol. XLVII, No. 1, Jan 2014, ISSN 1800-1122. http://engineer.sljol.info/articles/abstract/10.4038/engineer.v47i1.6854/

Conference Proceedings-Full Papers

  1. A. Bandara and N. Balasuriya ” Non-orthogonal multiple access in physical layer network coded parallel relay channels” In proc. IEEE International Conference on ICT for Emerging Regions (IcTer) , Sept 2018.
  2. S. Perera, N. Balasuriya and M. Sithara ” Primary user activity modeling using multi-term parameter estimation in cognitive radio systems” In proc. IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks & Telecommunication Systems , Dec 2017.
  3. S. Perera and N. Balasuriya, ” Visually impaired support system for identification of notes (VISION)” In proc. 16th International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions (ICTer) , Aug 2016, pp 96-99.
  4. G. Waththage and D.N. Balasuriya, ”Design of a remote controlled antenna bracket”, IESL Annual Transactions, Oct 2015.
  5. C. Lumbini and N. Balasuriya, ”An improved pedestrian tracking algorithm for NLOS  cellular environments” In proc. 10th Asia Pacific Symposium on Information and Telecommunication Technologies , Aug 2015, pp 127-129.
  6. N. Balasuriya, ”A power-aware reliable routing algorithm for wireless sensor networks” In proc. 10th Asia Pacific Symposium on Information and Telecommunication Technologies , Aug 2015, pp 7-9.
  7. N. Balasuriya and C. Wavegedara, “Low-complexity LDPC decoder for physical layer network coded multi-way wireless relay systems”, in proc. IEEE ICIIS 2015, Dec 2015, pp 226-231.
  8. N. Balasuriya and C. Wavegedara, “Joint channel physical layer network coding in multi-way wireless relay systems”, in proc .IEEE ICIIS 2013, Dec 2013, pp 213-218.
  9. N.C. Samarawickrama and D.N. Balasuriya, ”Backup cellular base-station alarm monitoring system”, IESL Annual Transactions, Oct. 2013.
  10. M.B. Murshid and D.N. Balasuriya, ”Design of a remote controlled poultry feeder”, IESL Annual Transactions, Oct. 2013.
  11. N. Balasuriya, P. Yahampath, T.M. Ngatched and A.S. Alfa, “Low complexity iterative detection and decoding in finite geometry LDPC-coded MIMO systems”, Proc. IEEE PIMRC 2009, pp 1752-1756.

Abstracts and Extended Abstracts

  1. H.G.M.D. Bandara and D.N. Balasuriya ,” Design of an improved indoor positioning algorithm with neighbor fusion”, Proc. OUSL AAS, Nov 2018.
  2. S. Lowe and N. Balasuriya ”Improved cognitive radio with cooperative non-orthogonal multiple access” In proc. IEEE International Conference on ICT for Emerging Regions (IcTer) , Sept 2018.
  3. M.R.H.E. Bandar, I.P.M. Wickramasinghe and D.N. Balasuriya,” Single image depth estimation by blurriness of edges”, Proc. Wayamba University International Conference, Aug 2018.
  4. M.R.H.E. Bandara, I.P.M. Wickramasinghe and D.N. Balasuriya,” Image depth estimation algorithm based on edge colour separation”, Proc. Wayamba Research Congress, Aug 2018.
  5. M.R.H.E. Bandara and D.N. Balasuriya, ”Design of an ultra-user-friendly domestic water pump controller”, Proc. SLAAS AAS, Dec 2017.
  6. D.N. Balasuriya, ”Design of a wireless sensor network for rice store monitoring”, Proc. SLAAS AAS, Dec 2016.
  7. D.N. Balasuriya and M.V.D.H.S. Gunasekera,”Design of a practical radio frequency energy harvester”, Proc. OUSL AAS, Nov 2015.
  8. U.S.S. Perera and D.N. Balasuriya,” Sri Lankan currency note recognizer for visually impaired people”, Proc. OUSL AAS, Nov 2015.
  9. Y. Anuradha, N. Balasuriya and M. Ranasinghe,” A neural network based approach for mobile communication demand prediction, In proc. 15th International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions (ICTer) , Aug 2015.
  10. R.M.A. Priyadarshana and D.N. Balasuriya,” Design of an improved elephant tracking system” Proc. OUSL annual sessions, Nov 2014.
  11. A.M.I. Mihirani, A.W.C.K. Atugoda and D.N. Balasuriya,” Maritime boundary geo-fencing with enhanced accuracy” Proc. OUSL annual sessions, Nov 2014.
  12. A.D.Y. Anuradha, D.N. Balasuriya and D.D.M. Ranasinghe,” A study of the effect of subscriber characteristics towards the demand for mobile communication” Proc. OUSL annual sessions, Nov 2013.
  13. A.D.Y. Anuradha, D.N. Balasuriya and D.D.M. Ranasinghe, ” Demand prediction for Sri Lankan urban fixed wireless telecommunication sector” Proc. OUSL annual sessions, Nov 2013.
  14. S.S. Jayasinghe and D.N. Balasuriya,” Design of a remote controlled liquid medicine dispenser” Proc. OUSL annual sessions, Nov 2013.
  15. D.N. Balasuriya and L.K. Thotagamuwa,” Automated water management in rice fields” Proc. OUSL annual sessions, Nov 2013.
  16. D.N. Balasuriya and F.N. Nishanth,” Automated domestic water pump control system with enhanced usability and low maintenance” Proc. OUSL annual sessions, Nov 2013.


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