Applications are invited for the above programme of study to be conducted by the Postgraduate Instituteof English (PGIE), the Open University of Sri Lanka (OUSL).
The PGIE’s MA in TLSC is a unique programme and is currently the only Master of Arts programme dedicated to the Teaching of Literature (in a Second Language Context) (TLSC) available anywhere across the region. Since its inauguration in 2014, the programme has attracted a wide range of students teaching literature at state universities and private higher educational institutes, officials in education administration, and teachers from government, private, and international schools from all parts of Sri Lanka.
Who is this program for?
- Teachers of English language and literature seeking to improve their skills and understanding of literature
- Those seeking a formal qualification in literary studies
- Those who teach literature but have limited formal training
- Anyone seeking a deeper and richer engagement with literature, critical literary reading, literary theory and the theory and practice of teaching literature
Cluster | Courses |
Cluster 1
Foundational Skills and Concepts |
PGP8101 Academic Writing
PGP8304 Reading Critically PGP9401 Basic Literary Concepts and Introduction to Literary Theory |
Cluster 2
Literature and Criticism |
PGP9402 The Novel and Short Fiction
PGP8305 Poetry PGP9403 Drama |
Cluster 3
Pedagogy |
PGP9501 Pedagogical Issues in Teaching Literature
PGP9301 Assessment and Evaluation in Literature PGP8306 Teaching Literature in an English Language Teaching Context |
Cluster 4
Research |
PGPA601 Research Methodology
PGPA401 Research Communication |
Dissertation | PGPAK01 Dissertation |
The MA in TLSC requires successful completion of all four clusters and a pass for the dissertation. It takes a minimum of 2 years to complete.The PG.Dip in TLSC requires successful completion of clusters 1, 2, and 3. It takes a minimum of 12 months to complete.
Google Application Form
Programme Category :
Postgraduate Programme
Conducted by :
Postgraduate Institute of English
Entry Requirements
- Four (04) years’ Bachelor’s degree in English or English Language Teaching, or
- A three (03) year Bachelor’s degree in Arts with English as a subject – A minimum of two (02) years’ experience in English Literature or Language teaching, or
- A three (03) year Bachelor’s degree in the English medium – A minimum of three (03) years’ experience in teaching English Literature at G.C.E. O/L or A/L or equivalent standard at a recognized institution, or
- An equivalent or higher qualification acceptable to the Senate of the Open University of Sri Lanka – Relevant teaching experience.
- Successful performance at the Selection Test.
In addition to the above qualifications, applicants with extensive teaching experience and qualifications recognized by the Sri Lanka Qualifications Framework (SLQF) equivalent to those specified above will be considered.
Application Issuing | 10 – June – 2022 |
Closing date of application | 12 – September – 2022 |
Selection Test | 17 September 2022 (Exam Hall :05/ OUSL/ Nawala) |
Registration | 10 – November – 2022 |
How to apply :
Please pay Rs.1000/- to the following Account Number of the People’s Bank, Nugegoda and attach an image of the deposit receipt when filling the Google Application Form. The Applicant’s name and National Identity Card No. should be indicated clearly on the Deposit Slip. Online applications submitted without proof of payment of Rs. 1000.00 application fee shall not be considered.
Account No : 174-100-246-838310
Name of Account Holder : Postgraduate Institute of English
Course fees in 2019/20 entry (subject to revision)
PG.Dip: |
Rs. 105,350.00
Rs. 203,000.00
Please contact Ms. Sachini Seneviratne for more details
Address :
Postgraduate Institute of English, Open University of Sri Lanka,P.O. Box 21, Nawala,Nugegoda |
Contact :
Email :
Last Updated on 5 months