Editorial Policies

Editorial Policies

Review Process

The Journal will follow a double-blind peer review process.

It will adopt a two-stage process as follows:

1.Initially, all manuscripts submitted are checked for plagiarism, and then pre-screened by the Editorial Board members to assess whether they are within the scope of the journal, of acceptable quality, and in compliance with the Author Guidelines.

2.If accepted as suitable for peer review, the manuscripts will be referred to two independent specialists in the relevant field, who are accepted by the Editorial Board. Both the authors and the reviewers will be kept anonymous.


Criteria for Acceptance/Rejection of the Manuscripts:

The following criteria will be used by the Editorial Board to decide on the manuscript.

Recommendation of Reviewer 1 Recommendation of Reviewer 2 Decision by the Editorial Board
Accept without any revisions. Accept without any revisions. Accept.
Accept without any revisions. Accept with minor revisions. Accept with minor revisions. Send the manuscript to the author to incorporate the reviewers’ suggestions.
Accept with minor revisions. Accept with minor revisions. Accept with minor revisions. Send the manuscript to the author to incorporate the reviewers’ suggestions.
Accept with minor revisions. Accept with major revisions. Accept with major revisions. Send the manuscript to the author to incorporate the reviewers’ suggestions. Send the revised version of the manuscript to be re-reviewed.
Accept with major revisions. Accept with minor revisions. Accept with major revisions. Send the manuscript to the author to incorporate the reviewers’ suggestions. Send the revised version of the manuscript to be re-reviewed.
Accept with major revisions. Accept with major revisions. Accept with major revisions. Send the manuscript to the author to incorporate the reviewers’ suggestions. Send the revised version of the manuscript to be re-reviewed.
Reject. Accept/ Accept with minor revisions. Send the manuscript to a third reviewer to be reviewed.
Reject. Accept with major revisions. Reject the manuscript.
Reject. Reject. Reject the manuscript.

The final decision regarding the acceptance or rejection of the manuscripts will be made by the Editor-in-Chief, in consultation with the Editorial Board, based on the reviewers' comments, and an editorial judgement based on the quality, originality, relevance, and significance of the submission. The decision will be communicated to the author/s by email.

Publishing and Ethical Standards

Submissions will be published after peer review, language editing, and copyediting.

The journal will maintain high academic and ethical standards, adhering to guidelines of the Committee on Public Ethics, as informed by the following documents:

Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors 

Core practices | COPE: Committee on Publication Ethics

Authors are required compliance with all the following items related to publication ethics as part of the submission process, and manuscripts that do not adhere to guidelines may be returned to authors.

  • – The submission should be original and has not been previously published, nor has it been submitted to another journal for consideration.
  • – The text adheres to the ethical, stylistic and bibliographic requirements specified in the Author Guidelines.
  • – In submitting manuscript to the journal, the instructions in ensuring a blind review should be followed.
  • – If author(s) has/have any conflict of interest, it must be declared upon submission.
  • – By submitting any work to JIPE, authors are guaranteeing that the work is not in infringement of any existing copyright.
  • – In case of plagiarism or if a paper is found not to be original, it will be rejected or removed.


Copyright and Open Access Policy

This journal adopts an open-access policy, thus providing immediate access to its content openly and freely to the public.

All articles in this journal will be published under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike (CC BY-SA 4.0) License (See https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ ). While the Open University of Sri Lanka retains the copyright as the publisher, the content will be free to download, re-distribute, and adapt, as long as the original author/s and the Journal of Innovative Practices in Education are attributed, and the derivative is released under CC-BY-SA license



The Faculty of Education of OUSL shall make every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information contained in this journal.  Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not necessarily the views of the Editorial Board, Faculty of Education, or the Open University of Sri Lanka.

Last Updated on 5 months

The Open University of Sri Lanka
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