Dr. Imali Bogamuwa (FHEA)

Senior Lecturer (Grade I)

PhD (QUT, Australia); M.A. in TESL (PGIE); B.A. Languages (English) Hons., FHEA (UK), MHFA (Australia)

Language Studies
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Main Campus, Nawala, 1st floor, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences building, Room No : 14

Office: 112881057, Ext: 557 Mobile: -

E-mail: inbog@ou.ac.lk -

As a practitioner of English Language Teaching (ELT), I am particularly interested in improving all language-macro skills: speaking, listening, reading, and writing, with a focus on helping ESL/EFL/TESOL learners improve their ability to communicate effectively in English.

Last Updated on 12 months

Areas of Specialization:

The Psycho-Socio context of Teaching/Learning English in Applied Linguistics; Issues and Development in Methodology; Testing and Evaluation; Teaching Grammar and Four Skills; Curriculum and Material Design; Management in ELT; Research Methods and Design; and Research Communication; Curriculum Development; and Policy Analysis.

Research interests:

Teaching Integrated Reading-Writing Skills to ESL/ TESOL learners; Teaching Grammar and four skills to ESL/ TESOL learners; Teaching English for General Academic Purposes (EGAP) and teaching English for Specific Purposes (ESP); New approach to enhance Communicative Skills in English of ESL/ TESOL learners; Teaching Morphological Approaches for English Pronunciation Lexicon.


Member | Asia TEFL, Sri Lanka English Language Teachers’ Association (SLELTA), Open University Teachers’ Association (OUTA), Federation of University Teachers’ Association (FUTA), Australasian Human Development Association (AHDA), Ethnic Schools Association of Queensland (ESAQ)

Programme Coordination:

BA in English & ELT (Level 4)

English for General Academic Purposes (EGAP)

Course Coordination:

·       History & the Development of the English Language (LEU 4501)

·       Teaching Language & Literature (LEU 4502)

·       Criticism and Analysis (LEU 4503)

·       Forms of Fiction (LEU 4504)

·       Drama (LEU 4505)

·       Poetry (LEU 4506)

·       English for General Academic Purposes (EGAP) English for Science

·       LSE3201/3204 (EGAP) Engineering Technology LSE1303 English for Science and B. Ed Courses (Part I) LSE2303 English for Science Courses and B. Ed Courses (Part II)


– QUT-HDR Internship (January 2023 to May 2023)

– QUT Equity Scholarship (2020 to 2023)

– QUT-NCAS Postgraduate Research Award (2019)

–  Fellowship from the Higher Education Academy (FHEA) (Reference No: PR206576 awarded on 16/12/2020, UK Professional Standards Framework for teaching and learning support in higher education)


Student engagement and their commitment to learn English as a Second language in a collaborative learning environment in university classroom setting (my PhD research project).

Summary Writing Performance and the Impact of Instruction: An Exploratory Study Using Upper Intermediate ESL Students (Dissertation Research for Master of Arts in TESL, PGIE/ OUSL: Research outline was presented at the third PGIE Research Forum,18th December 2009)

A survey study was done on the Attitudes of the Students and the Teachers of G.C.E. Advanced Level General English, September 2007 and presented the data and the results in the course of the MA in TESEL Programme under the title of Language Policy and its practices in the Open University of Sri Lanka and also conducted an Academic Presentation at the 5th Academic Presentation in the Series of Faculty Seminars (August 2006), Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Open University of Sri Lanka.

Ongoing Research:

Introducing collaborative learning into English education in a Sri Lankan university: an exploratory case-study (my PhD project)

Research Supervisions:

Supervision of M.A TESL Final Theses

Supervision of B.A. in English and ELT Level 6 Final Research Projects


  1. Turner’s conceptual framework of Sociology of Emotions: Emotional engagement in Learning English as a second language (ESL). In Proceedings of the Australasian Human Development Association Online Conference (2020). (pp.12). Auckland: NZD


  2.A conceptual framework to discuss Engagement as a Multidimensional Construct in learning English as a Second Language (ESL). In Proceedings of the HDR Conference (2019). (pp.46). Brisbane: QLD


3. A Course Evaluation Through Needs Analysis Based on Perceptions of Students: Course in Grammar and Communication Skills. In Proceedings of the International Open University Research Sessions (IOURS 2018). (pp.05 – 07). Colombo: SL

https://ou.ac.lk/home/images/Research/publications/Book%20of%20Abstracts-%20iOURS%202018-%20final.pdfPerception of ESL students on group presentations as an assessment tool. In Proceedings of the 4.OUSL Annual Academic Sessions (2017). (pp.43 – 47). Colombo: SL

http://www.ou.ac.lk/home/images/OUSL/publications/OURS2017_Extended_Abstracts Final.pdf

5.Investigating Impact of Peer Learning and Teaching in Teaching Language Classroom. In Proceedings of the OUSL Annual Academic Sessions (2016). (pp. 137 – 140). Colombo: SL


6.Learning Style Preferences of ESL Learners in the Open University EGAP Programme. In Proceedings of the OUSL Annual Academic Sessions (2015). (pp. 9 – 12). Colombo: SL


7.Investigating advanced reading students’ awareness & application of Metacognitive Strategies in Academic Reading. In Proceedings of the OUSL Annual Academic Sessions (2014). (pp.216–220). Colombo: SL


8.The Impact of the Instruction on the Rhetorical Structure Followed by the Students in the Summary Writing Performance of ESL Students. In ‘Changing Paradigms in English Language Teaching: Selected papers from the 7th International SLELTA Conference’ (2014). (pp.75 – 83). Colombo: SL

9.Open University EGAP students’ attitudes towards learning English. In Proceedings of the 8th SLELTA International Conference (2014). (pp.29). Colombo: SL

10.Can the Efficiency of L2 Summarization be Improved: Costs and Benefits. In Proceedings of the OUSL Annual Academic Sessions (2013). (pp. 269 -273). Colombo: SL


11.Investigating Student Perceptions of the Efficacy of the English for General Academic Purposes (EGAP) Course at OUSL. In Proceedings of the OUSL Annual Academic Sessions (2013). (pp. 157 – 159). Colombo: SL

12.The Impact of the Instruction on the Rhetorical Structure Followed by the Students in the Summary Writing Performance of ESL Students. In Proceedings of the 7th International SLELTA Conference (2012). (pp. 12). Colombo: SL

13.An Analysis of the Strategies Used by ESL Students during Summary Writing. In Journal of the Faculties of Humanities and Social SciencesOUSL (2011). (pp.60 – 77). VISTAS Vol.7: Series 1.

14.Teaching English for General Academic Purposes: Perspectives of Practitioners. In Proceedings of the 6th International SLELTA Conference (2010). (pp. 5 – 7). Colombo: SL

15.The Impact of Prior Experience on Learning Literature. In Proceedings of the OUSL Annual Academic Sessions (2009). (pp.5-7). Colombo: SL

16.Individualization of Instructions in Material Writing and Design: A Case Study from Sri Lanka. In Proceedings of the 5th Asia TEFL Conference (2007)(pp.139). KL: Malaysia

17.Policy and the Role of English in the University. In Proceedings of the Enhancing University ELT Conference (2006). (pp.12). Colombo: SL

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