Ms. D. Kalpani Sewwandi

Lecturer (Probationary)

B.Sc. Business Administration (Sp.) (USJ), PGDM (RUSL), MBA (KLN)

Organizational Studies
Faculty of Management Studies

Central Campus,

Office: 011-2881024, Ext: 7501


Last Updated on 2 years

Areas of Specialization:

Contemporary issues in Management, Strategic Management

Research interests:

Workplace Spirituality, Behavioural Strategy, Organizational

  1. Editorial Board member- International Conference in Management and Entrepreneurship
    (ICOME), Faculty of Management Studies, The Open University of Sri Lanka- 2022,
  2. Reviewer of research papers
    * International Conference on Management and Entrepreneurship (ICOME), The
    Open University of Sri Lanka- 2022, 2023
    * FIIB Business Review (SAGE publications)- 2022
    * International Research Symposium on Management (IRSM), Rajarata University
    of Sri Lanka -2022
    * International Open University Research Sessions (IOURS), The Open University
    of Sri Lanka-2022
    * 4 th National Research Symposium on Management (NRSM), Rajarata University
    of Sri Lanka- 2021
    * Open University Research Sessions (OURS), The Open University of Sri Lanka-
  3. Examiner for Quality Management course module of Bachelor of Engineering
    Technology Honours in Materials Technology Degree Programme, Faculty of
    Technology, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka- 2022
  4. Panel member of Contemporary Studies on Management Technical session of 4 th
    National Research Symposium of Management (NRSM), Rajarata University of Sri
    Lanka- 2021
  5. Committee member of the University committee for developing Trilingual Glossary for
    the Open University of Sri Lanka-2021
  6. Member of the Subcommittee – online Session Coordinator of Asian Association of Open
    University International Conference (AAOU)-2021
  7. Resource person and center coordinator for Graduate Training Programme-2020
  8. Resource person for curriculum revision of undergraduate Degree programmes of Faculty
    of Management Studies, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka-2015
Programme Coordination:
  • Chief Programme coordinator of Advanced certificate in Entrepreneurship and Small
    Business Management (ESBM)- 2020-2023
  • Administrative coordinator of MBA in HRM- 2017-2020
Course Coordination:

Advanced Certificate in Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management (ESBM)

  • OSC2401 Entrepreneurship
  • OSC2402 Small Business Management
  1. Soshi Education Group (SEG) Scholarship to study Postgraduate Diploma in
    International Studies at International Pacific University, New Zealand- 2016


  1. Afra, M.S. & Sewwandi D.K. (2021). Factors affecting Job Satisfaction of Private
    School Teachers – An Empirical study on Private schools in Dematagoda and
    Kolonnawa, Management Issues, 6(1), 1-15.
  2.  Sewwandi, D.K. & Dhammika, K.A.S. (2020). Impact of Workplace Spirituality on
    Organizational Commitment of Academic Staff: An empirical Study in the Public
    Universities of Sri Lanka, South Asian Journal of Management, 27(4), Association of
    Management Development Institutions in South Asia, 7-32.
  3. Sewwandi, D.K. (2019). Spirituality at work: The Role of Spirituality Dimensions in
    Fostering Organizational Commitment, Kelaniya Journal of Management, 7(2), 15-37.



  1. Atapattu, A.D.D.H. & Sewwandi, D.K. (2021). Impact of Training and Development on
    Performance of Executive-Level Employees in Licensed Special Banks: Employees’
    Perspective, Proceedings of Open University Research Sessions (OURS), The Open
    University of Sri Lanka.
  2. Sewwandi, D. K. (2020). Organizational Commitment: A Survey of Sri Lankan
    Academia. Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Business & Information
    (ICBI), University of Kelaniya, 307-315.
  3. Nilawala, W.M., Sathiyavel, M., Sewwandi, D.K. & Weerakkody, V.S.A. (2017). Mitigating the Negative Impacts of Natural Disasters in relation to Environmental Ethics: Searching Solutions through Buddhist Philosophy, Proceedings of 3 rd National Buddhist Conference, Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka, 542-545.



Research Supervisions:

Supervising undergraduate research projects of Bachelor of Management Studies Honours
Degree programme, and postgraduate research dissertations of MBA in Human Resource
Management and Commonwealth Executive MBA

  1. Co-author of Motivation and Performance Appraisal in Organizations (Revised) Module-
    Bachelor of Management Studies Honours Degree, Faculty of Management Studies, The
    Open University of Sri Lanka.
  2. Co-author of Human Resource Management module- Bachelor of Business
    Administration (General) External Degree Programme, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka.
The Open University of Sri Lanka
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