Bachelor of Science Honours in Engineering

The Faculty of Engineering Technology calls applications for the Bachelor of Science Honours in Engineering, Bachelor of Industrial Studies Honours, Bachelor of Software Engineering Honours degree programmes and Postgraduate Degree programmes for the academic year 2024/25. These programmes are designed to contribute towards enhancing educational standards of the general public by providing opportunities for higher education.

These programmes are designed to:

  1. enable those already employed in the field, and those who have missed the opportunity to pursue higher education at the end of their secondary school career to obtain a degree
  2. enable interested persons to pursue a degree course in their own time at an affordable cost

These programmes are conducted through the Open and Distance Learning (ODL) mode of delivery. This way of learning is different from the conventional study system. Student learning is facilitated through carefully prepared printed course material intended for self-learning. Printed course materials are supplemented with audio, visual and online learning material.

Although the minimum duration of the degree programmes is five years, the duration depends on the number of courses registered for by a student. The Faculty grants exemptions for those who have post-secondary qualifications such as diplomas, and they can enrol in the degree programmes at higher levels.

Those who are registered for undergraduate degree programmes may also be awarded the higher diploma as an interim qualification after the completion of two levels of study and the opportunity to proceed with the degree.

Students can separately apply for the Diploma in Information Systems and Technology.

The Faculty currently offers Postgraduate Diploma in Technology (PGDipTech) and Master of Technology (MTech) qualifications in two different areas, namely, Apparel Production and Management.




Programme Code :
Programme Category :
Undergraduate Programme
Conducted by :
Faculty of Engineering Technology
Programme duration :
Minimum 5 Years
Discipline(s) / Specialization(s) :

Entry qualifications:
Bachelor of Technology Honours in Engineering (areas of specialisation: Civil, Electrical, Electronic and Communication, Computer, Mechanical, Mechatronics and Textile Technology);

  1. Obtained passes in the subjects, Combined Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry at the G.C.E. (A/L) Examination, Sri Lanka, in one & the same sitting, or
  2. Obtained the Advanced Certificate in Science with courses in the disciplines of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, offered by The OUSL, or
  3. Obtained a minimum three (3) credit (C) passes for Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry in Cambridge/Edexcel Advanced Level Examination within three years, or
  4. Obtained an equivalent or higher qualification acceptable to the Senate.
Accepting online applications :
  5th September 2024
Closing Date for Applications :
30th November 2024
Last date for requesting exemptions :
Extended upto 10th December 2024
Application for Qualification Evaluation :
Available at Faculty of Engineering Technology – Registration 2024/25

Course Fees


Address :
Office of the Dean, Faculty of Engineering Technology The Open University, Nawala, Nugegoda
Contact :
0112 881 351
Email :

Last Updated on 2 months

The Open University of Sri Lanka
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