Faculty of

Department of Botany

Dr. K.O.L. Chathurika Karunanayake
Senior Lecturer in Botany (Head)
Telephone: 0112881269
email: kokar@ou.ac.lk

Department of Chemistry

Dr. T. Lakshini Dilesha Fernando
Senior Lecturer in Chemistry
Telephone: 0112881324
email: tlfer@ou.ac.lk

Department of Computer Science

Abeysinghe dcs

Dr. A.M.P.B. Abeysinghe
Senior Lecturer in Computer Science
Telephone: 0112881098
email: amabe@ou.ac.lk

Department of Mathematics

Ms. K. Deepika V.F. Siriwardane
Senior Lecturer in Mathematics
Telephone: 0112881443
email: kdsir@ou.ac.lk

Department of Physics

Dr. N. Karthikeyan
Senior Lecturer in Physics
Telephone: 0112881449
email: nkart@ou.ac.lk

Department of Zoology

Dr. D.D.G.L. Dahanayaka
Senior Lecturer in Zoology
Telephone: 0112881446/488
email: dddah@ou.ac.lk

Matara Regional Centre

Ms. Y.A.S. Samithri
Senior Lecturer in Botany
Telephone: 0412222943
email: s_samithri@yahoo.co.uk

Kandy Regional Centre

Dr. P.W.H.K.P. Daulagala
Senior Lecturer in Botany
Telephone: 0812494495-7
email: pwdau@ou.ac.lkĀ