Advanced Certificate in Applied Earth Sciences

Advanced Certificate in Applied Earth Sciences programme (SLQF -Level 2) is designed to create the awareness of the importance of earth resources in Sri Lanka through identifying, discovering, value addition and sustainable utilization of it among the personnel interested and/or engaged in earth science related fields and activities.

Advanced Certificate in Laboratory Technology

The aim of the Advanced certificate in Laboratory Technology programme is to provide a basic scientific knowledge and training needed for employees in laboratories of government and private sector and to provide necessary qualifications to any interested personal who seek employment in laboratories. The programme designed to provide up to date theoretical knowledge and hands […]

Advanced Certificate in Science programme (ACS)

The Advanced Certificate in Science Programme  (ACS) is designed to encourage those without the basic entry qualifications to pursue higher studies in Bachelor of Degree, Bachelor of Engineering Technology (BIT) and  Bachelor of Industrial Studies (BIS) programmes to achieve such qualifications. Courses are delivered according to the Level 2 of the Sri Lanka Qualification Framework […]

Advance Certificate in Wildlife Conservation and Management

Advance Certificate in Wildlife Conservation and Management progarmme is a one year study programme involving courses related to wildlife biology, ecology, conservation and management, wildlife study techniques and filed craft, wildlife case studies and a compulsory research project.