Department of

Ms. S.N. Dissanayake

B.Sc. (OUSL), M. Phil. (OUSL)


Department of Computer Science

Obtained a Bachelor of Science degree with a First Class from the Open University of Sri Lanka. Offered Pure Mathematics, Applied Mathematics and Physics. Later read for a Master of Philosophy (MPhil) in Artificial Intelligence (AI) at the Open University of Sri Lanka. For the post graduate degree a computer based learning system for Mathematics was developed. For the development of the system, expert systems in (AI) and learning theories of education were used. At present involved in a research proposal titled “Evidence based approach to self-regulation for enhanced learning in open and online settings

Learning Analytics

B.Sc Degree Programme

Course Coordination:
CSU5304-Mathematics for Computing , CSU5305- Theory of Computing

Dissanayake, S.N.&Karunananda, A.S.,Lekamge,G.D., Department of Mathematics & ComputerScience, The Open University of Sri Lanka of Sri Lanka, Faculty of Information Technology, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, Faculty of Education, The Open University of Sri Lanka, “Use of Computer Technology for teaching of Primary school mathematics”  The Open University of Sri Lanka (OUSL) Journal Volume 4,(page33-52)2007.

1.  Dissanayake, S.N.&Karunananda, A.S., Department of Mathematics & Computer  Science, The Open University of Sri Lanka of Sri Lanka, “PC-based mathematics Learning”, Proceedings of South East Asian Regional Confederation Conference (SEARCC) Manila,2000.

2. Dissanayake, S.N.&Karunananda, A.S., Department of Mathematics & Computer  Science, The Open University of Sri Lanka of Sri Lanka, “An intelligent Learning  Environment for Mathematics”, Proceedings of the 56th Annual Session of the Sri  Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science 2000.

3. Dissanayake, S.N.&Karunananda, A.S., Department of Mathematics & Computer Science, The Open University of Sri Lanka of Sri Lanka, Can the computer support abstract thinking?, Proceedings of the 20th National Information Technology Conference, The Computer Society of Sri Lanka(CSSL) 2001.

4. Dissanayake, S.N.&Karunananda, A.S., Department of Mathematics & Computer Science, The Open University of Sri Lanka of Sri Lanka,A framework for developing a Computer –based mathematics learning system”, Proceedings of the 57th Annual Session of the Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science 2001.