Associate Professor P.W.H.K.P.Daulagala

PhD (University of Aberdeen, UK), BSc. (University of Peradeniya, SL)

Senior Lecturer (Grade I)

I graduated from the University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, following a B. Sc. (Special Degree in Botany) in 1993. After my graduation, I served at the Department of Botany, University of Peradeniya as an Assistant Lecturer until I joined the Open University of Sri Lanka as a Lecturer (Probationary) in 1994. I received a scholarship from the Commonwealth scholarship Commission in the UK for my PhD  and  obtained my PhD from the University of Aberdeen, UK , specializing in the field of Plant Molecular Enzymology in 2001 (Oct. 1997 – Feb. 2001). Further I received a Commonwealth Academic Fellowship  and successfully completed  my Post Doctoral study at the same university in 2008 ( Sept. 2008 – Feb. 2009).

Currently I am serving as a Senior Lecturer in Botany (2001 – to-date) at the Kandy Regional Centre, The Open University of Sri Lanka, Polgolla.

Plant Molecular Enzymology, Microbiology, Plant-microbe interactions

Plant Pathology, Environmental and Applied Microbiology, Plant-microbe Interactions, Plant Chitinases

I am serving as a Senior Lecturer in Botany (2001 – to-date) at the Kandy Regional Centre, The Open University of Sri Lanka, Polgolla.

Diploma in Microbiology (2011-2015)

B.Sc Degree
• Co-coordinator – BTU 1201 (Plant Diversity) – 2003/04
• Senior coordinator – BTU 1201 (Plant Diversity) – 2004/05, 2006/07 and 2007/08
• Co-coordinator – BOU 1101 (Organization of Cells & Plant Biochemistry) – 2009/10
• Senior coordinator – BTU 3101 (Environmental & Applied Microbiology) – 2008/09, 2009/10, 2010/11
• Senior coordinator – BOU 3100 (Environmental & Applied Microbiology) – 2011/12, 2012/13, 2013/14, 2014/15,2015/16, 2016/17
• Senior coordinator – BYU 5300 (Environmental & Applied Microbiology) – 2017/18 to date

 Ongoing Research:

  1. Faunal and Floral Composition and Perspectives of Biodiversity Conservation of Dunumadalawa Forest Reserve in Kandy, Sri Lanka.
  2. Antibacterial activity of Codium fragile, Gracillaria corticata and Hypnea pannosa against some opportunistic human pathogenic bacteria

Research Supervisions:


Shahlina Begum Kuthubdeen – 2015

Research topic – Biovar determination and molecular characterization of Ralstonia solanacearum causing bacterial wilt in Central Province, Sri Lanka



M.Sc. in Environmental Science

Ms. A.B.N. Witanage, Postgraduate Institute of Science, University of Peradeniya.

Research topic – Monitoring water quality and bacteriological parameters in the Rahas Ella catchment before and after water treatment.

Effective date – 15th September 2020

(Reg. No. PGIS/MSc/ENS/15/29)

Herat, T.R., Daulagala, P.W.H.K.P. and Dhanasekara, S. (2016) An illustrated guide to the flowering trees around Kandy Lake, Sri Lanka.

Publisher : Author/ publisher

ISBN  : 978-955-99144-7-1

  1. Daulagala, P.W.H.K.P. and Allan, E.J. (2003) L-form bacteria of Pseudomonas syringae  phaseolicola  induce chitinases and enhance resistance to Botrytis cinerea infection in Chinese cabbage. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology 62, 253-263.


  1. Tsomlexoglou, E., Daulagala, P.W.H.K.P., Gooday, G.W., Glover, L.A., Seddon, B. and Allan, E.J. (2003) Molecular detection and α–glucuronidase expression of gus-marked Bacillus sublitis L-form bacteria in developing Chinese cabbage seedlings. Journal of Applied Microbiology  95, 218-224.
  1. Daulagala, P.W.H.K.P. (2014) Expression of chitinase with antifungal activities in ripening Banana fruit. Tropical Plant Research 1(3):   72–79.
  2. Daulagala, P.W.H.K.P. and Allan-Atkins, E.J. (2015) Chitinolytic activities of endophytic bacteria isolated form symptom free Chinese cabbage leaves. Asian Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Environmental Sciences 17 (3): 603-609.
  3. Daulagala, P.W.H.K.P. (2017) Induction and expression of chitinases from four sub species of Bacillus thuringiensis. Journal of Advances in Microbiology 3 (1): 1-8 DOI : 10.9734/JAMB/2017/34084
  4. Daulagala, P.W.H.K.P. (2018) Induction of resistance in Poplar to Melampsora larici-populina using L-form Bacteria. Asian Journal of Biology, 6 (3): 1-9 DOI : 10.9734/AJOB/2018/41044
  5. Daulagala, P.W.H.K.P. (2021) Chitinolytic endophytic bacteria as biocontrol agents for phytopathogenic fungi and nematode pests: A Review. Asian Journal of Research in Botany, 5(3): 14-24.
  6. Daulagala, P.W.H.K.P. (2021) Association of L-form bacteria with plants and their application in biological control of phytopathogenic fungi and bacteria: A review. Journal of Advances in Microbiology, 21(10): 77-86.
  7. Daulagala, P. W. H. K. P., Marasinghe, L. D. K. and Samithri, Y. A. S. (2021) Analysis of Physicochemical and Bacteriological Parameters of Raw and Treated Water of Roseneath Water Purification Plant in Dunumadalawa Forest Reserve in Kandy, Sri Lanka. Asian Journal of Research in Botany, 6(3): 42-50.
  8. Daulagala, P.W.H.K.P. (2021) Medicinally important Leucas zeylanica (L.) R. Br.: A review. Tropical Plant Research. 8(2): 116-121
  9. Daulagala, P.W.H.K.P. and Allan, E.J. (2012) Induction of L-form bacteria from Bacillus thuringiensis. Ceylon Journal of Science  (Bio. Sci.) 41 (2): 137-144.
  10. Daulagala, P.W.H.K.P., Adikari, A.M.N.N.S. and Dissanayake, K.U.N. (2020) A qualitative study on the diversity and conservation perspectives of pteridophytic flora in homegarden ecosystems in Polgolla in Kandy district, Sri Lanka. Sri Lankan Journal of Biology, 5 (1): 1 – 7.
  1. Priyadarshani, P.W. H. K., Allan, E. J. and Gooday, G. W. (1998) Chitinolytic activities of cell-walled and L-forms of bacteria. Society for Applied Microbiology Joint Meeting, pp 8
  2. Daulagala, P. W. H. K. P., Allan, E. J. and Gooday, G. W. (2000) Induction of chitinases in L-form associated Chinese cabbage. First International Symposium on Induced Resistance to Plant Diseases, Corfu, Greece. pp 121
  3. Allan, E. J., Daulagala, P. W. H. K. P. and Gooday, G. W. (2000) L-form bacteria, chitinases and control of Botrytic cinerea. XIIth International Botrytis Symposium, Reims, France.
  4. Daulagala, P. W. H. K. P., Allan, E. J. and Gooday, G. W. (2001) Induction of chitinases in Chinese cabbage plants after association with L-form bacteria. Society for General Microbiology 148th Ordinary Meeting, Heriot-Watt, pp.7
  5. Allan, E.J., Daulagala, P.W.H.K.P., Glover, L.A., Gooday, G.W., Seddon, B., Tsomlexoglou, E. and Walker, R. (2004) L-form bacteria: Endosymbionts and plant protection agents. 7th conference of the European Foundation of Plant Pathology and British Society for Plant Pathology, Presidential Meeting on Discovery, Development and Delivery of Plant Pathology, University of Aberdeen, UK
  6. Allan, Eunice J and Daulagala, P. W.H.K.P. (2004) L-form bacteria: A new means of inducing plant defences? The International Joint Workshop on PR-Proteins and Induced Resistance, Elsinore. Denmark, pp 64.
  7. Weerakoon, S.R., Daulagala, P.W.H.K.P. and Fernando, L. (2003) Bioassay methods for the detection of antagonistic activity by selected non-pathogenic bacterial isolates against the phytopathogenic fungus Penicillium purpurogenum. Inaugural Annual   Academic   Sessions, The Open University of Sri Lanka pp.29
  8. Witanage, A.B.N., Daulagala, P.W.H.K.P., Kumara, A.M.I.U. and Weerasooriya, S.V.R. (2020) Assessment of rural water supply in Sri Lanka: A case study from Wattegama water supply scheme, Kandy. Proceedings of the Postgraduate Institute of Science Research Congress (RESCON, 2020), Sri Lanka: 26th – 28th November 2020.
  9. Alahakoon, A.A.C.B. and Daulagala,  W.H.K.P. (2021) Post dispersal survival and germination of seeds of Pterocarpus marsupium and Elaeocarpus ganitrus. Proceedings of the Postgraduate Institute of Science Research Congress (RESCON, 2021), Sri Lanka: 29th -31st October 2021.
  10. Madushani, K. G. P., Samithri, Y. A. S. and Daulagala, P. W. H. K. P. (2022). Effect of organic and inorganic sources of fertilizers on seed germination of Solanum melongena Var “Lena iri”. The international conference of Applied and Pure Sciences (ICAPS 2022), University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 14th October 2022.
  11. Marasinghe, L.D.K. and Daulagala, P. W. H. K. P. (2022). Species richness and distribution of Pteridophytic flora in Dunumadalawa Forest Reserve, Kandy District, Sri Lanka– a preliminary survey. Proceedings of the Postgraduate Institute of Science Research Congress (RESCON, 2022, Sri Lanka: 29th -30th October 2022.


  • University scholarship – Awarded by the University of Peradeniya for the meritorious performance at the Special Degree in Botany- Final Examination- 1992/1993.
  • Commonwealth Academic Staff Scholarship (1997) for the postgraduate study at the University of Aberdeen, UK.
  • Commonwealth Academic Fellowship (2008) for the postdoctoral study at the University of Aberdeen, UK.
  • OUSL Research Award – 2021
  1. Member of Society of Applied Microbiology. The Blore Tower, Bedford, UK (1998-2001).
  2. Member of Society of General Microbiology. Marlborough House, Reading, UK (1998-2001).
  3. Life member – Institute of Biology, Sri Lanka, 1996 to date.
  4. Life member of Sri Lankan Association for Mycology and Plant Pathology (SLAMPP) Department of Botany, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka.
  5. Life member, ‘Bot Soc” Department of Botany, The Open University of Sri Lanka, 2010 to date.
  6. Committee Member of Sri Lankan Association for Mycology and Plant Pathology (SLAMPP), Department of Botany, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, 2018-2020.
  7. Charted Biologist – Institute of Biology, Sri Lanka, 2019
  8. Fellow – Institute of Biology, Sri Lanka, 2021