Department of

Ms. Noyelani Yureka

B. Sc (Hons) – Plant Biotechnology

Temporary demonstrator

Temporary Demonstrator – one year experience at University of Colombo

Galagoda U.C., Alwis P.D.N.V., Gunatilake M.D.O.D., Lakshika J.M.V., Manohitharaj J.M., Anushika G.U., Arachchi N.Y.M., Abeysekera W.K.S.M., Bandupriya H.D.D. (2020) In vitro response of Suduheenati and Pokkali rice varieties to salinity stress at early seedling stage. Proceedings of the 40th Annual Sessions, Institute of Biology Sri Lanka. Pp 77

Arachchi N.Y.M., Bandupriya, H.D.D. (2021) Oxidation stress and antioxidant response in Piper longum L. subjected to cryopreservation. Proceedings of the 41st Annual Sessions, Institute of Biology Sri Lanka, Pp 57