● Paper size: A4
● Margins: Left margin 1.5” and all other margins 1”
● Line spacing: single
● Font: Times New Roman
● Font size: 12
● Medium: English
● MS Word 2007 or 2010
● Word count: Upto 300 words
● Key words: Upto five
The findings of completed research or parts of findings from ongoing research may be submitted for oral presentation at SRSHSS 2025.
Link for abstract submission: https://forms.gle/Sw2by7NpH1apmZyW9 on or before the deadline.
All the submitted abstracts will be reviewed by a panel of experts. If the abstracts are accepted, the corresponding authors will be notified on the due date, along with the abstract and reviewers’ comments.
Submission of the revised abstract
The abstract needs to be revised according to the reviewers’ comments. The revised abstracts should be submitted on or before the deadline.
No revised abstracts will be accepted after the deadline.
These abstracts will be published in the conference proceedings.