The Centre for the Environmental and Sustainable Development of the Open University of Sri Lanka organizes the International Conference on Plastics and Environmental Sustainability with the goal of mitigating plastic pollution while taking into account its effects on the environment, human health, and socioeconomics. The abstracts on the following conference tracks are warmly invited to be submitted.

Conference Tracks

General Instructions

  • All the abstracts/presentations should be in English medium.
  • All abstracts/presentation submissions should be done through the Google link on our official website page.
  • All submitted abstracts will be checked for plagiarism.
  • All submitted abstracts will be peer reviewed and only the accepted abstracts will be called to submit a camera-ready copy. All accepted abstracts should be present in ICPES on the 7-8th of March 2024. Only presented papers will be published in Proceedings.  
  • Please contact us if you have any questions regarding your submission or experience any issues while submitting your abstract.

Abstract Guidelins

  • The abstract should report the original research.
  • The abstract must strictly adhere to the prescribed abstract template. Carefully revise the abstract for language and formatting.
  • The abstract should be in one paragraph with a word limit of 300.
  • Do not include subheadings.
  • Acronyms should be written in full the first time they are mentioned in the text, followed by the abbreviation in parentheses.
  • Always follow SI Units, if any.
  • There shall be no citations or references.
  • Please do not insert a page number for the abstract.
  • Basic format:
    1. Paper size and Orientation: A4 (210 x 297 mm), Portrait. Use only one side.
    2. All margins except left: 25mm. Left margin:30 mm. Gutter:00
    3. Font: Arial, 11 points; Line spacing: 1.5 (18 pt), one column of text. 

Presentation Guidelins

  • Each presenter will be allocated a maximum of 10 minutes for oral presentation and 5 minutes to answer questions
  • Limit your slide presentation (MS PowerPoint) to a maximum of 20 slides, with minimal text to emphasize your central ideas.
  • During the allocated time, reinforce the specific ideas highlighted in your research work, and share insights and resources to help participants in their teaching, research, and/or planning activities.
  • Recording a video of the presentation: You can record your presentation through a camcorder, web camera, or mobile phone with at least 5 megapixels quality. Feel free to open your video in an editing program (Windows Movie Maker, iMovie, AVID, Final Cut Pro, or other editing software), according to your expertise and convenience, to make alterations and all kinds of editing (putting a paper ID, etc). Save your file either in AVI, WMV, MP4. 
  • Use the presentation template of the ICPES, when making the presentation and the presentation video. 
  • Please submit the soft copy of your oral presentation and video to the ICPES 2024 committee via Google Form available at the conference website on or before 26th February 2024. We are not responsible for late submissions, further changes after the deadline of the presentation submission, or any other

For more Information

Centre for Environmental Studies & Sustainable Development
The Open University of Sri Lanka
Nawala, Nugegoda

Conference Coordinator

Dr. Yohan Mahagamage

Centre for Environmental Studies & Sustainable Development (CESSD)

Mobile : +94716368816

Conference Organizing committee

Ms. Prabhadhari Jayasinghe

Centre for Environmental Studies & Sustainable Development (CESSD)

Mobile : +94770134978

Centre for Environmental Studies & Sustainable Development
The Open University of Sri Lanka